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𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳, 17

Lauren did her morning routine then got dressed. She then went to her mom's room to make sure she was up to take her little brother to school.

She turned on the light and saw that her mom wasn't home, once again. Lauren rolled her eyes the cut the light off before leaving out.

Lauren called her mom's phone a total of five times before giving up. Instead of going to school she quickly did her work for the day so she could tend to her brother.

She didn't want him to miss school but it was too far for them to walk and it was out of district so there was no bus for him.

"Lauren!" Marli whined as he ran out to the living room to find her. "Yes?" Lauren asked

"I'm hungry!"

"Okay, okay man stop crying. Go put your clothes on so we can go get food." She responded so he ran back upstairs to get dressed.

Lauren was beyond tired. She worked until ten last night just to come home to her little brother being at home alone.

According to her mom he had only been there thirty minutes but in Lauren's mind anything could happen in thirty minutes. She was supposed to be back by morning but she wasn't.

Marli was only 5 so it was hard to get him to listen sometimes. Lauren just let him do whatever he wanted most of the time.

"I'm ready Lauren." Marli's voice echoed through the house. "Okay, come on!"

She quickly put her shoes on and grabbed her purse. Marli reached for her hand so she could hold it so she did. Once they left out Lauren closed the front door and locked it.

There was a Chick-fil-a right around the corner from them where they would often get food from when her mom didn't cook.

As bad as Lauren wanted to drive her car she couldn't because her mom had her keys. Lauren had gotten into a fight at school and had been punished ever since.

This all happened about a month ago. Lauren's mom didn't like her getting into trouble with the girls at school because they were way tougher than Lauren.

"Lauren! I know det ain't you!" A guy yelled as he rolled down his window. "It's not" She mumbled

"Come on lemme give y'all a ride it's too hot to have him walkin' out here."

"No Ty, we alright, thanks though." Lauren responded being very irritated with him. "Man just come on!"

Ty stopped his car and got out. He then guided them to his car and helped them in. He made sure Marli was in the seatbelt correctly before closing the door.

"Why yeen in school Lauren?"

"You see why Ty. Don't talk to me just take me to Chick-fil-a then take me back home."

"So you really gone act like this wimme after everything we been through?" He asked "Yes I am gonna act like this. You said you didn't wanna be with me so why would I talk to you?" Lauren finally snapped.

𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now