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𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳, 21

"Hey bae!" Lauren dragged out as Ty got in the car. He threw his work bag and lunchbox in the backseat then kissed her lips. "Wassup"

"You look so dirty, let me get you home. How was your day?" She asked "I feel how I look."

"You look tired."

"I am, i'm tired as hell. How was your day?"

"My day was alright. I went to the doctors and got my birth control replaced. I wasn't going to but those kids reminded me that we aren't ready yet."

"We ain't gone be ready for another 25 to 30 years." Ty rubbed his forehead. "No that's too real."

"You gone rub my feet when we get home?" Ty asked putting his hand between her thighs. "No Tyquan." She laughed

"Mmcht ohhh my Godddd!" He dragged out throwing his head back. "Please? I been working hard all damn day while you been- been what? Nigga I cleaned YOUR house from top to fucking bottom." Lauren cut him off.

"Thank you but that's our house now so you really ain't do me no favor." He shrugged "Okay I won't EVER do it again then."

"Never mind Lauren. Youn love me just say det. I give you massages all the fuckin' time."

"So you gone cry?" She laughed "Then you think the shit funny. Quit talkin' to me witcho fat ass head." Ty mumbled with his head against the window.

"Mmcht can I get a massage at least bae?" He asked "Yes but i'm not rubbing nobody feet. I barely like my own feet."

"Thank you"

When they got home Ty took a shower while Lauren washed all of his work clothes.

"Why you wash clothes while I was inna shower? The water got cold." Ty fussed "Like that shit was stupid as hell." He continued

"Sorry... I forgot. Next time i'll wait until you're done. It was a simple mistake you didn't have to do all of that Tyquan."

"All of what?" He mugged "All that fucking attitude. Wash your own fucking clothes like you been doing before I got here and maybe that wouldn't happen."

"Why you got an attitude wimme?" He asked causing her to squint at him. "Are you delusional? I don't have an attitude. You're the one getting mad over a simple mistake that I already apologized about."

"Okay so why you still going? Just let the shit go Lauren."

"You're off in the head. How you just flip it on me like I did or said something wrong? Please lay down and take you a nap or something you're tripping."

Ty looked her up and down then dried his body and put his clothes on before getting in bed. He slid over and laid on Lauren making her get irritated.

"Why you so snappy today? Did you have a bad day at work or something?" She questioned "Nah i'm just tired that's all."

"And you call me a baby? If you tired go to sleep and stop fussing at me. Cause you acting like a 2 year old right now."

𝘋𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴Where stories live. Discover now