Chapter one:Him.

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Kim Dokja's viewpoint:
Yawn.Another day of school.
"Kim Dokja!Get up and go to school you'll be late!"
Hurriedly,I got up and changed.When I had finished,I went downstairs for breakfast.
"What's for breakfast?"
"I'm going to tell you when I fucking finish."
Oh I guess I should've been more patient.I'll read Ways of survival while I wai...What?Why has it been deleted?...Oh no...But then what am I going to do?I've been reading it for 4 Years now.Ever since that time.
Dokja is currently 17
"But Auntie I don't like tomatoes..."
"Stop being so damn picky.Just eat your fucking food."
I don't like them though.I shouldn't say that:I'll just get yelled at again.Ew.I hate the taste of them.
Ah.I accidentally spit it out...I just don't really like them.But Auntie told me to eat everything.I guess I should eat it-even if it tastes disgusting.
They taste horrid still but I shouldn't complain at least it's done now.
"I'm going now!"
Normally,I would read on my way to school but today is different.That novel was the reason I wanted to live.Now,with nothing else to do,I might do it...No!I shouldn't just be weak and do that!If only I was like him.I bit my lip as drips of sweat ran down my face.Maybe...never mind.Oh,I've already reached school.That was quicker than normal.Is it because I'm stressing too much?
Ah...I should get to class now!I'm going to be late!
"Oh Dokja you aren't reading that crappy novel again,are you?"
"It got deleted..."
"Hah!Maybe that's why!"
Ugh.If only I was him then I would be able to stand up for myself.But I'm too ashamed to.
"Class,settle down now!"
Everyone quickly went to their seats.
"We have a new student.Introduce yourself please."
"I am Yoo Joonghyuk."
Huh?That name sounds familiar.Not sure where I have heard it though.
"Is that all?"
"Ok take a seat.There is a free one next to Kim Dokja."
Ah!This guy...why is he death staring me?!
"C-can you stop with that look?"
And he isn't stopping!Why did he have to be seated next to me?!Is he trying to blow a hole through my head?Haih.Why won't he stop!School is already a hell itself!Now,somehow,it's even worse!
Just as I was about to leave the classroom,I heard a voice call out my name.
"Hey Dokja!Where do you think you're going?"
"Go get us some snacks."
"Pepero and Turtle chips."
I went to go buy them the snacks.I would get beaten up if I didn't...I don't really have a choice.To my surprise,I saw Yoo Joonghyuk there was he also buying something I should talk to him.
"Yoo Joonghyuk is that you?"
Wait no how could I have forgotten about how he stared at me in class!I'm a dumbass...
"What do you want?"
Damn his voice is so stubborn.
"I erh..."Fuck I forgot what I was going to say... "I was wondering what brought you here."Thank god I hit my head hard enough for an excuse to come out.
"I'm buying snacks."
"Oh I'm here for the same reason!"
Just act nice,just act nice.There isn't anything to be worried about.He's not like Minwoo Song,is he?
Huh?Is that all?Maybe I'm expecting too much from him.

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