Chapter two:A familiar face...

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I noticed some people walking in...wait they were!
"Oi Dokja!Didn't we tell you to hurry?"
Suddenly,I was hit.I fell to the floor.
"That'll teach you to hurry."
They all came,punched me and even tried to strangle me.To tell you the truth,I really thought I was going to die:it hurt like hell.Strangely enough,one of the attacks was blocked by...Yoo Joonghyuk?!
"Oh!Look at this guy being so 'tough'!"
"No way!"
What?Was he actually protecting me?I must be dreaming...
"Or what?You're going to beat us up?"
"Please,don't make me laugh!"
Song Minwoo was thrown to the ground,how did Yoo Joonghyuk have this power?I'm so weak I needed someone to help me just now...if only I was like him.Then,I would be able to beat all these people up by myself but...I'm not him.
Huh what?They were all begging him to stop?But how...
Dokja turns his head to see the scene
He's already beaten all of them?No one's ever been able too though-ah!The bruises on his face...he got so hurt just to save me?
"Are you okay?"
"U-um yea."
The bell rings
"I'll see you at class then."
They both turn away to their classes
God that was scary but there's one thing on my mind:how is he so strong?He managed to take 4 people head-on and,despite the multiple bruises,he is still standing.How could I ever repay the favour?
"Dokja!Stop day-dreaming and get to work."
I completely forgot about my work ah what do I do?If I rush,it'll just turn out TERRIBLE.
Author's note:
Like my life fr fr I'm delusional(especially w alnst and orv)
"Right away..."
However,on the other hand,if I waste time thinking about it,it'll also turn out TERRIBLE.
In the end,Kim Dokja rushed to do his work.
I can't believe my work was actually accepted I thought I'd have detention because it was too bad.It just barely passed my teacher's "standard".My next class should be cooking.Wait cooking?I suck at it!I'm so bad I swear I BURN water but if I'm late coming home I'll get yelled at.
Kim Dokja makes his way to his class and bumps across someone familiar.
Okay this should be it.
Eh?Who just bumped into me? head hurts now.
He puts his arm on his head.
Wait is that a hand reaching out to me?And that's...Yoo Joonghyuk.Wait again?!Oh my god I must be delusional...
Yoo Joonghyuk helps Kim Dokja up.
"Uh,um,t-thank you?"
As silent as ever.
"You're welcome."
What...he actually said you're welcome?
Author's note:
Sorry for not making chapters (especially on fiction became reality) my motivation is not the best rn😭

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