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The Limousine drive to the same place, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos arrived and the driver oben the doors.

All students clapped and cheering to welcome the island kids, as the four girls stepped out.

Ben smiled and came to them " Welcome to Auradon, I'm Ben " " We know the King " said Sandy.

" Well I hope you will enjoy the time here, and feel well " said Ben and shook Hannah, Sandy, Jackie and Gemmas hands, Gemma had all time a shy nervous face, besides Hannha, Sandy and Jackie look anyound or no interest.

" Well then let us start with the tour " he walked with them around the School grounds, showed them the statue of his Dad when he atless brought them in.

" Okay here are the numbers of your rooms " he gave them the cards with the numbers.

But when Hannah, Jackie and Sandy look at the numbers they raise a eyebrow.

" Eh, hey King Dude we have the wrong room numbers " said Sandy.

" Yeah a crew stay together, exactly mine " said Jackie.

" No actually, is so made so you can already meet up with new friends " Said Ben and smiled.

But Hannah, Jackie and Sandy gave him just a seriously face, as their walk up angry.

Gemma stayed a moment waiting that Ben gave her room number, she smiled a little.

Ben smiled " Don't worry, your roommate is really nice " " Thanks...." said Gemma quietly almost whispering.

Gemma walk up the stairs she heard people whispering when they look at her, she found her room Door and walk in and sitting on her bed.

Next to the bed, was little gifts like shampoo, parfume, candy, flowers with a little note ' welcome '.

She smiled, without that she noticed that her roommate was behind her.

" Hey! Your finally- " she gasp and dropped the things.

" Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you - " " No it's alright, I didn't see you, I'm Gemma " " I know Ben told me, I'm Gina, daughter of Genie " she hold her hand up, and Gemma look suprised.

" Yes, oh I never had a roommate like, I'm so exited " Gemma smiled nervous.

Jackie walked in her room, and drop her Baggage and let herself fall down on her door.

" There is this new thing it's call knocking " she saw a girl on the other bedroom side, looking at her phone.

" Hey nice to meet you " Jackie look confused. "

I'm Clair my dad is Clopin ? " Jackie look confused.

" Who ? " " Uh, no matter, so how do you like it here now Jack ? " asked Clair.

" My name is Jackie, genius, okay here is the deal " said Jackie and stand up.

" Deal ? " asked Clair.

" Okay I didn't choose you to be your roomie, and I would like it more to be with one of my besties, so I will not talk to you and you not to me, and I touch your things and not mine alright? " " If that's what you're want fine " said Clair and went back to her bed and smiled only.

Sandy anyound as her roommate introduced herself " Hey Sandy so nice finally to meet you " said the girl and hugged her.

" Hey Blondie no hugs " said Sandy and pushed her away.

Suddenly a meow was to hear and a black cat was look up from Sandys Backpack.

" Oh how sweet you have a sweet little kitten with you " said the girl smiled.

Sandy stroked her cat and smiled darkly.

" That was my last roommate " she made a shocked face.

" What "

" Haha ! Oh boy did you Auradon kids understand no fun ?. That was a joke, magic doesn't work on the island, that's Salem my black cat, and he always was a cat " " Oh yes " said girl laughed.

" Maybe " said Sandy in the end, both walk up, and her roommate look scared again.

" Well then, I know you already, I'm Maricia, Arista's daughter " said Maricia.

" And who is that? " asked Sandy look in her book without to look at Maricia, instead of that in her book.

" Well " Maricia smiled as she beginn to sing ?!.

Maricia : Oh we are the daughters of Triton, great father love -

" Okay hey, don't sing can you not just please saying who your mom is ? " " My is one of Ariels sisters, the mermaid?, you heard of grandfather King Triton ? " " Oh yes, but shouldn't you be a mermaid " asked Sandy and pointing to Maricia legs.

" Oh no, I am a mermaid, but since I go to the Auradon school, my grandfather gave me leg, until i return home for holidays " " Oh okay "

" And hey to celebrate to your first night in Auradon, how about we play a few games, style hair - " when Marica keep talking, Sandy put her hand on her forehead.

But then she have a Idea " Hey you like games you said ? " " I love them "

" great so here is a villain game, and uh - no forgot it, thats not a game for you " " Yes I can do it come on please !! "

" Alright here is the game, its about which of us can be absolutely quiet as longest, until tomorrow if one of us speak loss " " Oh great, you will see I can be quiet, like a little clown fish - " " The game start by three, 1, 2 and 3 " Maricia quiet and smiled.

Sandy smiled finally quiet

And for the good least step Hannah in her room, nobody here ?.

She look around " Well let see with who we have to deal it "

She look at the roomside of her roommate, and saw a t-shirt with a symbol, her eyes widen, is the symbol of the god, then she rolled her eyes.

" You gonna be kidding me " said Hannah and let herself fall on her bed.

Two hours later she pack her things out and was sitting on her bed, as she heard someone coming, as a girl with dark auburn short hair and blue eyes came in " Okay see you later " see talked to someone outside, as she saw Hannha.

" Oh hey, sorry I didn't see you " Hannah waved with her fingers a little.

" Your Hannah or ? " " That's what my dad namend me" " I'm Helena- " " Your the granddaughter of Zeus and daughter of Hercules or ? " Helena look suprised.

" How - " " Your Tshirt with the symbol told me " " Oh yes, well then welcome to Auradon, I will come late back have a good sleep " said Helena and walk out.

Hannah just look at a book .

Descendants: The New Students Where stories live. Discover now