Friends or enemies?

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And in the next day was school lesson, first lesson was for Hannah, Gemma, Sandy and Jackie with the fairy godmother.

" A old women wants to go to the other side of the street, so what do you need to do ?.

A.) Turn her into stone

B.) Fed a hungry Dragon with her

C. ) Steal her money

Or D. ) Help her go to the other side.

Who know the right answerd ?, Sandy " Sandys eyes widen.

" Uhhh well, A and B isn't correct I'm sure " the fairy godmother smiled.

" Good Sandy, so what's the correct answer now dear ? " " Uhhh....D ooorrr C ".

The fairy godmother look speakless " Uhh almost dear, Gemma dear are you know the correct answer again ? ".

" Um D. ) helping her " said Gemma quietly, as her long black hair hide her face.

" That's again correct " " Girl your sure, your not a princess ? " asked Sandy with a raising eyebrow.

Gemma look down ashamed.

Later she walk around as she heard different sounds from the training place, curious she went out and watch the students there.

The Gymnast, the cheerleader and the Viewers.

Gemma saw one girl with a real gymnast talent " Wow ....." she said impressed.

" Hey Roomie !! " she gasp scared.

" Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you again " said Gina.

" No it's are those all your friends? " asked Gemma and show to the  training place.

" Most of them, c' mon I'll introduce you to everyone " said Gina.

" No is okay I ah - " but Gina grabbed her hand and they go.

" This girl who is climbing and jump so high is Tara Porter.

And by the cheerleaders are is the new captian Sophia. Before your came we voted for this half year cheerleader captian, and we could choose about Sophia and Ugh, Audrey.

I can't belive how they mothers can be so good friends " Said Gina.

" Who are Sophia and Audrey " " Sophia is the daughter of Snow White and Audrey the daughter of Aurora, sleeping  beauty.

Uhh, I know is mean to said, but I can't understand how such a sweet nice women like Aurora could get such a mean spoiled brat as daughter like her.

When I was 12, she and her parents came to Agrabah to visiting my godfather and godmother, Uncle Al and Aunt Jas, I was playing with their son Amir, which is my friend since I can think, she was with them. Together with Cinderella and her son Chad also so worse.

And they treaded me like a outcast, and spend just their time with Amir. Sometimes I think he is the son of Drizella.

He's also the so worse to his Stepcousin Annika, the daughter of Anastasia. Because she helped Cinderella, and after her mother turn back the time she was allowed live here, because she show she changed.

But Chad always make fun of her, and not just on the sarcastic way. " Gemma look sad.

" But why don't she tell it her parents, our teachers " " Because she is afraid that her mom and Cinderella could went back to old themes.

Be better careful around them, but like I say Sophia is a real sunshine, and have the big heart from her mom.

That's must be way the half cheerleader team choosed her as team.

Oh and in the football or other gym teams is Jay now helping the coach " Gemmas little smile disappeard and she look nervous.

" Jay ?, " " Yes, you must know him son of Jafar " " Um, of course I know him....we just never talked, I was just wondered because since you told me your dad is Genie and - "

" Oh that's why, no just because my Dad, Amir's and Jay's Dad are enemies doesn't mean we have to be it too.

Amir is super cool with Jay, and so me " said Gina with a smile.

Gemma nodded " Gina can I ask you what ? " " Sure " said Gina.

" Magic doesn't work on the island, but since Mal and Jay and the rest are here, did you ever saw Jay do something with Magic. I mean if i heard the story right, after Aladdin tricked Jafar, he became a Genie too with his last wish.

Doesn't it mean Jay have Magic too?, like Mal, or better said like you  " " Umm no not that I know ".

" Because your a Genie too " " Well I think by me is different, Jay's mother is unknow, but he told us he is sure that she is or was a normal human.

So maybe that's the reason or he have powers just don't know, and like I say, by me are both parents Genie.

My mom's name is Eden, and he meet her in one of his and uncle Al's adventure".

Gemma nodded and understood.

" Oh look there is Amir, he is on his Fencing training with Lonnie she is Mulan  and Helena Hercules daughter and.... Hey where is Maddie ? " " Who is Ah-" Gemma fall down together with a girl who ran in her.

" Oh sorry " call the girl and helped Gemma up " Are your hurt no I'm fine " " Your one of the new students or? " " Y- yes " she shook her hand as the blond girl took her's.

" I'm Maddie Fitzerbert " Gemmas eyes widen " " Did you said....I'm sorry for my mo- " " Maddie come finally " Was the coach to hear.

" I coming ! " she called back and look at Gemma " See you later okay " she said with a friendly smile and go.

"Gemma your okay ?, " " She is Rapunzel daughter ? " " Yes, but don't worry, just because your Gothels daughter doesn't mean she blame you for that, you will see she is one of the nicest girls in the land. " " Your sure " " I'm absolutely sure ".

" But....i can't mother will kill me if she finds our I talked with her " " Well your mom isn't here, and if she didn't ask 'did you hang up with Rapunzel Daughter ' so she don't have to know.

" Then you don't know my mother " said Gemma.

Gina noticed her scary shy face again.

"" Gina, I'm sorry but I will go in our room, I don't feel well "  " Gemma....."

But Gemma just go away quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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