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Chapter 21*: Clueless
You guys are insane. So another update for you. Thanks and enjoy! ~Kate
Ten minutes after getting a thorough, final examination, Damon fastened the last button of the dark grey shirt his brother had brought him. He'd been officially been discharged, and cleared to resume all activities, something he was immensely happy about – even if he would need to proceed with caution.
Before he could turn around, two arms slid around his waist and he sighed in contentment. As they tightened around him, he leaned his head backward, pressing the side of his face to her temple. "Hi there, gorgeous."
"Hello, lover."
Damon's eyes snapped open at the sound of Rebekah's voice and he yanked himself out of her grasp. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"You," she purred, "Or at least that's what I was attempting before you spazzed out."
"Not gonna happen," he growled, prying her hands off of him as she made to touch him again. "I'm with Elena now."
"Are you?" the blonde sneered. "That's not what it sounded like when I spoke with her this morning."
"What the hell did you do?" he demanded, narrowing his eyes and trying to keep his panic at bay. "What did you say to her?"
She shrugged, feigning innocence. "I only said that you're very good at what you do."
"And what would that be?"
"Keeping up pretenses, that sort of thing."
Damon's stomach dropped. She'd been toying with Elena... about Seduce & Destroy. She'd risked outing him and the plan he'd abandoned long ago...and for what, revenge? He didn't choose the psycho blonde, so nobody could have him? Or was it just for shits and giggles? Either way, Damon was not having it.
"I swear to God, Rebekah, if you tell her a goddamn word," he threatened, his blue eyes darkening three shades as his jaw clenched and he fought against every instinct inside of him urging him to wrap his hand around her neck until she turned blue in the face. "I will ruin you."
"I've already lost my job, Damon," Rebekah scoffed, though she kept a smile on her face. "I've lost you –"
"You never had me," he barked. "You were an easy lay who was decent in bed."
"If that hurts," he warned, "just wait till you see what I can do to your reputation."

"I already told you, Damon, I really haven't got a lot to lose."
Damon growled, struggling to keep the growing panic out of his voice. "If I tell her, you lose the satisfaction of getting your petty revenge. Your blackmailing will be pointless."
The blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "We'll see if you have the balls to make good on your threats."
"I will," Damon stated with more conviction than he felt. "I've been meaning to tell her."
"And yet it's been over a month and your precious Elena is still clueless."
"Clueless about what?"
The new voice made Rebekah jump and back away from him. Though grateful for the intrusion, Damon scowled at Stefan, who was now standing in the doorway.
"We were talking about fashion," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "Blondie Bex here says Elena doesn't know how to dress."
"Oh," the green-eyed man frowned. "Well then, I'm just going to skip right out of that convo." Gesturing to the exit, he asked, "You ready to get out of here?"
"More than you know." Damon glared at Rebekah before realizing something. He turned to his little brother with a confused look on his face. "Where'd Elena go? Did she leave?"

"Nope. She's in the Women's Room." His eyes widened. "Again?"
"Food poisoning is kicking her ass."
"Yes, she looked like she was about to hurl a few times while I...talked to her," Rebekah giggled, winking at Damon as he grit his teeth to keep from biting her head off.
"What are you still doing here?" Stefan asked her angrily. "I thought I told you to leave."
"Oh, I was just about to." She sauntered towards the door, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I'll be seeing you, boys. Damon..."
Damon shook his head disbelievingly as she vanished down the hall before they both laughed.
"That woman is something," Stefan muttered.
"Something is not nearly strong enough a word," Damon said, exhaling sharply and shaking off his irritation. "So, food poisoning, huh?"
"Yeah. She got takeout last night. It's pretty rough."
"Would explain why she looked like she'd been on a boat for a week," he shrugged, before following his brother to the public restrooms where Elena was and waiting patiently for her to come out.
Elena and Stefan had walked out of the hospital together while she pushed Damon in a wheelchair. He'd insisted he didn't need one, but it was hospital policy. "Hey," Elena said, slowing down and then leaning forward, squeezing Damon's shoulder as his brother continued walking toward the car and waiting for them at the entrance. There was a car waiting for them at the entrance. "Can we talk?"
"I don't know," he smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Can we?"
"Yes, Elena. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" When she didn't respond, he looked up at her and realized that something was troubling her. "Talk to me."
Stefan suddenly hollered from the car. "Don't make me wait all day!"
"Never mind," she said, shaking her head and started pushing his wheelchair again. "Your brother is waiting for you."
He reached over and placed his hand on hers, which was squeezing the handle with a white-knuckled grip. "He can wait."
"I'm...Damon, I..." The worry in his eyes and the memory of the way he gripped his chest in pain stopped her from speaking. She was too afraid of what would happen to him if he couldn't handle the news. It's too soon, she decided. Elena bit her lip, cursing herself when she chickened out with admitting something that wasn't nearly as high priority,

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