002; cold

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It was mid - November, so it was normal for it to be relatively cold, that's something almost everyone could agree on. Johnnie knew he definitely could, though to him 'cold' was a bit of an understatement. It was freezing. Call him dramatic, but he was sat under to blankets and in a hoodie and he could still feel himself shivering. It's like his body didn't even want to absorb any heat. Well which it probably didn't.

Johnnie had always been more sensitive to the cold than others. It probably had something to do with his not so healthy habit of undereating everyday. It's not like it was intentional... well most of the time it wasn't. He just forgot. Sometimes when Jake made him something or if they ate for a video he'd eat more, but normally he didn't go past once a day. It seemed like enough, it wasn't, but he wasn't really that bothered about it.

As he huddled under his blankets, trying to ignore the gnawing emptiness in his stomach, he could hear the sound of wind howling outside and lashing rain against the windows. He stared at it, zoning out for a moment but getting snapped out of it by the loud sound of knocking on his bedroom door. Probably Jake.

Johnnie sighed and dragged himself out of his warm cocoon of blankets, begrudgingly making his way to the door. He swung it open to reveal Jake who stood there with that same familiar goofy smile on his face and soft eyes that Johnnie had grown to always look forward to each day.

"Hey, Johnnie," Jake greeted, his smile widening as he took in the sight of his friend wrapped up in blankets. "You look like you're about to hibernate for the winter."

Johnnie mustered a weak chuckle, feeling a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with the layers of fabric he was wearing. "What's up?" Johnnie asked, stepping aside to let Jake into the room.

"Soooo i was thinking." Jake begins. He stops, as if waiting for Johnnie's permission to continue or something.

When Jake doesn't say anything else, Johnnie raises his eyebrows, "you were thinking..."

Jake laughs at Johnnie's prompt, shaking his head in amusement, "mm, we could go somewhere. We haven't filmed in a while."

Normally, Johnnie wouldn't be against that idea. Normally, he wasn't freezing his ass off. "Go somewhere? You did look out the window today right?"

"Jake, it's a blizzard out there," Johnnie pointed out, gesturing towards the window where rain was swirling in a frenzy outside. "We can't film in this weather. We'd freeze to death before we even got the camera set up."

"That's rain. Not a blizzard. Blizzards are usually sno-"

"Shut up. Same thing." Johnnie grunted.

"Not really."

"Fine," he relented, sighing and throwing his hands up in defeat. "But if we freeze to death, I'm blaming you."

"Okay. deal." Jake grins, "get ready then meet me in the living room. Don't take 3 hours."

Johnnie shot a half - hearted glare at him, but then he couldn't really sat anything about it. He did usually take quite long to get ready...maybe not 3 hours but an hour at the least. With a playful eye roll, Johnnie waved Jake off and closed the door behind him.

After what felt like an eternity of layering up and trying to convince himself that he wouldn't freeze to death, Johnnie finally made his way to the living room where Jake was waiting, already dressed in outdoor gear and looking far too energetic for his liking.

"Took you long enough," Jake teased as Johnnie entered the room. "Ready to face the elements?"

Johnnie shot him a glare, but deep down he knew he was grateful for Jake's persistence. It's not like he had anything better to do anyway, other than lay in bed freezing. Now at least he'd be freezing with Jake. "Where are we even going?" he sighed.

Jake x Johnnie | one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now