chapter 9.

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Unfortunately, I still have to go to school before I meet with April.  I throw a big jacket over me and storm away to the front door, trying to avoid any interaction with Luka, having in mind that, earlier, he didn't seem really glad to hear my voice.

My phone starts buzzing in my pocket as I close the front door (successfully without finding Luka). I groan and pull my phone out of my pocket. It's my bestie, Cassie. We haven't really spoken to each other in quite a few days now. I guess I didn't want her to worry about me. Although, I guess she did. She's complaining about the missed calls and unresponded messages. I make my way into her contact and read the most recent text messages. I keep it on read just to tease her until I get to school, where we'll probably meet. She was traveling with her parents since like two weeks ago.

I put my headphones on, trying to make my day better. To be honest, it's been going better than I expected when I woke up. I'll talk with my friend back then meeting with April. I'll take it.

I can feel a couple of raindrops falling over my back, so I try to make my way faster into the school, which is one block away now.

"Lane!!" I hear my best friend's voice as she jumps on my back, making groan playfully

"Cassie!!" I mimic her, and she punches me soft

"You stopped answering me. I wanna know why." She affirms, her face taking rather a serious expression now so as my own.

"Nothing too serious happened, I guess. Although I got kinda sick and ended up in the hospital. I didn't want you to worry about it." I tell her normally

"WHAT? I could've help you!" She accuses. There you go, she's worried.

"It wouldn't change much of it, actually." I speak back at her, receiving an eye roll.

"Ok, ok. Let's go, then." Cassie says, pulling me by my sleeve, making me chuckle.

We walk into the first class of the day. Biology. And I, honestly, kinda like it, even though today it seems torturing long. I stare at the ceiling as I hear my teacher say something about cell division, maybe about plants, I'm not sure.

The bell rings, and everyone quickly grabs their things and storm through the door, and so do I. I'm having history now, so sucks for me. My teacher is a dick.

For the rest of the classes, I guess I just slept through it all, so now I'm leaving! I drag myself through the school's door with Cassie's arms around my waist, all her weight on me, making me push her slightly.

"I thank the gods. The torture is over." I exclaim dramatically, hearing a laugh from Cass. We say bye and make our ways into our respective locations.

I'm stopping at my house before meeting with April, so I can leave my school stuff in my bedroom. The house is empty by the time I get there, meaning that Luka is probably out with his friends or with our social worker. I throw my bag on my bed, just grabbing my phone charger, phone, and an extra jacket.

My mood swings are awesome today. I few like six different moods at a time, so I'm glad I'll be talking to April today. She tended to calm me down at the hospital.

I lock the door as soon as I leave, putting the key in my pocket. Feeling the cold breeze, I put my extra jacket over my shoulders, making my way to the hospital, which is about 10 minutes walking.

The hospital is not really crowded today, meaning that it will be easier to find April. I get to the cafeteria, where I find the brown haired nurse.

"Hi, Laney! How are you, kid?" She asks me when she sees me. I smile at her, saying I'm fine. We sit by the table, a little awkwardly because neither of us are speaking. " Oh, and, I hope you don't mind, but I invited someone to come with us." She says nervously. I look at her confused and nod,  wondering who would it be.

"You wanna order?" I awkwardly say, trying go get on a friendlier conversation. She smiles and nods, reaching for the menu over the table and so do I, grabbing the extra one.

I'm reading through the sandwiches options when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch a bit when I feel my back burning from the touch. I instantly remember of my boiling showers and regret a little of it. I look at April to see if she noticed, and see if she could take her hands of me. I stare at her blankly, noticing she has both of her hands on the menu. So, final conclusion, who the fuck is touching me?

My head bolts to the side, meeting with the person's eyes. It's a woman. She wears a plain red shirt and a nice smile on her face. I double check with April, asking her through the eyes if that is the other person she had invited. Getting a nod from the nurse, I force a smile.

"Uhm, hello. Nice to meet you?" I say in rather a interrogative tone. I feel like we've met before.

She chuckles and sit in between me and April. I'm still confused, but I stare at her for a bit more, and I guess she notices, because she stare at me with a playfully look. Like reading my mind, she opens her mouth and starts speaking.

"We've met before. Here at the hospital, actually." She says and I stare at her, trying to remember her. I feel like a twist in my mind and I remember the day we've met.  The lady who stumbled with me that one time; that one day I dropped my phone.

"Oh, I guess I remember" I say awkwardly, waiting for her to continue speaking, but the atmosphere continues weird. April's face softens and she looks at me different.

"Uhm, Laney, I guess your foster didn't tell you what happened when you were at the hospital..." my face drops in confusion

"What...?" I mumble and watch as the two of them stare at themselves.


I guess I'm back! Hope you liked the chapter, and I apologize for how long it took. Studying has been rough, and I decided I officially hate physics and my history teacher.

If you enjoyed your reading don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. It would make me really happy if you could tell me your thoughts about the story!

Not proofread