The first lecture

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Danni left for class leaving the girl's dorm. His first class was at
8am, and was a Gen Ed in the Literature Department. Fortunately, it was
a short walk from his building, and he would be able to make it there in
about 5 minutes. However, he had to cross the promenade of his
university in doing so, and as such, saw many students out and about.
Most were getting coffee or walking to their next class or whatnot this
early morning, but he became intensely aware of a few boys that seemed to
be staring just a little too long at him for his comfort.

Nothing happened though, and he made it to his classroom. It was a small
classroom, one with the desks organized in a circle. No hope of hiding
in the back he grimaced. He took a spot near the door, and waited for
the class to start. The room filled up with other students, and the
professor arrived about a minute or so after 8am.

"Good morning everyone," Professor Yates said. "I'm going to pass out an
attendance sheet and a syllabus, so please take a copy of it and let's
examine it. And also, put your email onto the attendance sheet for class
information as that is how I will contact you."

Danni grabbed the sheet, and took a copy of the syllabus. In looking at
the attendance sheet, he did not know what to write. But eventually, he
rolled his eyes and wrote "Danielle". It seemed to be the safest thing
to do given how he was dressed and that he was likely stuck like this for
a few days or so at the least.

He settled into the lecture, and did his best to concentrate on the
professor describing her desires and expectations for the semester. It
did not seem to be too difficult a class, and would only require 2 papers
and a final exam. It may have only been 90 minutes...but that was 90
minutes Danny felt like a normal student. (Despite being a boy in
panties and a skirt with a tramp stamp tattoo and sultry permanent make
up inked onto his face.)

When the class ended, he grabbed his notebook and headed for the door.
Before he got to the staircase, he recognized Chris from the bus ride
walking down the hall. He remembered him being quite talkative and
possibly interested in him during that ride, so Danni tried to hide along
the wall and keep his/her face down to avoid detection. It worked, and
he made it to the staircase and outside the building without being seen.

He did not know what to do. So, he considered his options. He could go
back to the dorm room, but the other girls were likely there, and at this
point, he felt like he was acting a role out in front of them and should
take advantage of any time he had away from them. So, he decided not to
go back.

He instead went to get breakfast at the school cafeteria. It was a large
building with many tables to sit at and even more food options than he
was used to compared to his high school. He grabbed a tray and made his
way around the room, and was surprised to find boys letting him pass
politely, and even motioning that he should go first. Chivalry had its
perks he thought, as he wondered why girls complained that men would go
out of their way to hold doors open and such.

He fixed himself a plate of French Toast and sausages, and grabbed an
orange juice and made his way back to a table to sit at. He sat alone,
and ate while he played on his phone. He was happy to have a little
alone time.

Danny initially looked at his usual morning websites, checking Facebook
and ESPN to see what had happened to other people. Facebook immediately
depressed him as he saw some of his boyhood mates starting classes in
their own schools...but doing so as young men. Just as he should be.
They seemed so happy and energetic, the complete opposite of the nervous
wreck Danni was...hiding in a girl's dorm dressed in lingerie from
Victoria's Secret and watching American Idol with girls he wished he
could be dating.

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