Meeting Olga for the solutions (CYOS)

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Danni walked into the restaurant, and Olga was already seated at a small
table in the corner. She must have gotten here early he thought, as it
was still a few minutes before 6. Looking down out of humility, he made
his way through the maze of tables in the restaurant to reach her.

"Cousin Danni!" Olga said happily, rising to give him a hug across the
shoulders as women often do. "You look marvelous!"

Olga watched Danni enter, and wasn't initially positive it was him or not
at first. But, then she was able to be sure that it was him, and she
wanted to make a big show in the room to anyone potentially watching that
she had arrived.

"So, how's life on this side of the pink line?"

"Olga...this isn't me!" Danny said.

"That's strange, it certainly appears to be you. The same cousin of mine
that crashed my birthday party to get a free spa treatment and full body
makeover. The same cousin of mine that joined me in drinking enough
vodka and pomegranate to make a sorority student blush. The same one
that went with me dancing afterwards, and found herself an admirer, that
while I'm not sure, think you might have even taken home. You little
slut." Olga said mean words, but her tone of voice was certainly a
friend recounting what had happened.

"But I didn't want any of this. This was never my plan. My design.
Claire and Tom begged me to do something like this to help them. They
needed a chaperone and Sarah wasn't available. Given our history, they
felt that a disguise was the safest path forward. I agreed, and that was
supposed to be it. One night, and a story to tell my kids, and then back
to normal.

"Back to normal," Olga snickered. "At one point, you were begging Tom to
go full into becoming a girl as well. You seemed exceptionally happy,
and quite a popular dancer. Several of the boys bought you a drink or
two, and you teased, you winked, you even kissed a few in gratitude.

"Here you are Mesdames." A waiter (Garçon) delivered 2 blue hued drinks.

Danny saw the colorful bevearge and had to ask, what is this? "It's an
aqua Velva. A bit old fashioned, your aunt devoured them in the late
1970's and early 80's. Back before Beers and whiskeys and malt drinks
started the down slide of mixed cocktails. The dreaded "90's" --- the
conversation felt as if initially told to Danni, but actually the
audience were the waiters and restauranteurs that felt the same as she

Not knowing what to do, he grabbed this bright blue drink. "It looks
like Romulan Brandy," noting the hue in the glass from a popular sci if
televisionshow. "What's in it?"

Ketel 1 vodka, some gin, IN Equal measures of course along with Blue
Curcaco naturally, also an equal portion,topped off with limon lime juice
or soda.

(This is a real drink. It has a long history in San Francisco,and the
name is currently dying. Go do your local bars and order an Aqua Velva
while people still know how. And if they don't, find a new pub.)

Danni sipped the sweet bubbly drink. It was lively had the alcohol
masked by the bubb;es and the blue color. It drank quite easily, and he
had another one ready fro him in less than 5 minutes. Given the 3
glasses of wine or so, and now 2 shows of vodka and gin all within an
hour, Danny was now under the influence. He knew he was. He would have
to be careful.

'Omg, you have to try the blue drink. The bartender her is a
mixtologist. She had to study to get some programs nd pass a test before
she Chould work here. But she made it. A real score. She's planning on
leaving nex t year, when she graduates...maybe you should seek that spot.
I could put a good word for you. But, you'd have to learn garnishes. I
don't think you ever did more bar tending that popping a lid on a beer
and maybe pouring from some decanter or bottle a few milliLiters to serve
some customer. No creativity. No imagination. It's always the same.'

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