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Cristela Ramirez or better known to her friend Linda as Cris usually enjoyed school. Today was not one of those days.

"Cris." Linda coos in her ear, Cristela groaned into her pillow, covering her ears. "Leave me alone Linda, I'm not in the mood." Cristela murmured.

"Well if you want to miss the bus..." Linda says, trailing off, this made Cristela shoot up quickly. "It's the first day of school!" Cristela exclaimed as she rushed towards her closet.

Cristela got into Eden Hall on scholarship, she used to compete for dance and she got scouted by the dean of admissions for the school.

If she hadn't been able to afford the school, she never would have been able to go. 

Linda waited downstairs, picking at her nails as she waited for her best friend. She started laughing when Cristela rushed over in baggy jeans an a long sweater, dragging Linda outside.

When they got dropped off at the school, Linda and Cristela spoke adamantly. "I think they'll be cool." Cristela says as they walked into the auditorium, following the crowd of people.

"Just more jocks hanging around." Linda mutters, Cristela chuckling as she sat down in a seat next to a boy in a swamp green short-sleeved button up.

"You ducks don't belong here at Eden Hall." Rick says, this made Cristela roll her eyes. "What?" A boy questions, daring Rick to taunt him further.

"Why don't you just shut up Rick, it's too early for your stupidity." Cristela snarks, this made the entire varsity team, and some of Team USA look at her.

"Shut your mouth Ramirez." Rick says. "You don't talk to a lady that way. Besides they probably just think we're someone else." A boy with a country accent says, this made Cristela smile softly.

"Um, I'm Dwayne. We're the new hockey team. And you are?" The boy with the accent questions towards Rick, Cristela turning back towards Linda as Dean Buckley continued his speech.

"Welcome. Since its inception in 1 903, Eden Hall Academy... has taken great pride in its illustrious tradition of excellence. Yet, as we approach the coming millennium, we dare not shrink from the specter of inevitable change." Dean Buckley continued.

Linda leaned her head on Cristela's shoulder as she was on the verge of falling asleep, Cristela leaning her cheek on her fist.

"This is so boring." Linda murmurs, Cristela snickering. "Who rushed who out of my house today?" Cristela mutters back.

"What did he say?" The boy with the country twang questions. "Something about a shrinking sphincter." The boy with the attitude replies.

Linda and Cristela looked to each other, trying to not laugh as Dean Buckley continued to speak.

"Thus, myself, the board, Tom Riley of the alumni association... and Varsity Coach Wilson, who has led us to ten consecutive state championships." Dean Buckley says, this made both Linda and Cristela let out a singular clap each.

"All right, guys! We have all made a change for the future." Dean Buckley confirms. Cristela sighs once again as she runs a hand through her hair.

"So, today, after much debate... on both sides, we proudly open our doors via full scholarships... to a truly gifted group of student athletes. So, will you please join me... in giving a big, rousing Warrior welcome to the gold medal winners of the Junior Goodwill Games." Dean Buckley says, Cristela now seemingly excited.

There were shouts behind the curtain, Cristela and Linda finding it hard to keep their composure as the curtain fell to the floor.

"I present to you-" Dean Buckley was interrupted as the sound of the curtain falling echoed throughout the small auditorium.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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