A Riddle to Solve

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Y/N issued his open challenge and it was accepted by an old friend from his time in NXT. A former US champion and a former Raw tag champion.

Matt Riddle accepted his challenge. So in the main event of Raw Y/N was in a match against Matt Riddle for the United States Title in his first title defense.

Riddle was an old friend so the match was been fought out of respect stemming from their time together in NXT when they worked together and against each other.

So after about fifteen minutes of back and forth, both participants were wrestling for some semblance of control as they had been going deep into their bag of tricks just to surprise the opponent as Y/N had the upper hand having a deeper bag.

After an intense back and forth both threw harsh strikes that echoed through the arena like thunderclaps till Riddle finally got control when he hit a stiff knee to Y/N's chin dropping him and making him see stars.

Riddle climbed up to the top rope setting up for a diving bro but Y/N got himself up coming from under him placing him on his shoulders before running and attempting a buckle bomb in the opposite corner. Y/N goes for the pinfall only getting a two count.

His mind was racing not knowing how to end it. He didn't want to use his finishers because Riddle knew them well enough to block it. Y/N decides to take the risk and attempt it anyway.

He moves to the corner of the ring tuning up his running finisher as Riddle slowly gets to his feet. Y/N shoots off going to his Running Finisher but Riddle sidesteps sending him past him.

Riddle quickly turns him around attempting to do another RKO just like he did earlier in the match but this time Y/N slithers out of reach before hitting a superkick to Riddle dazing him as Y/N quickly thinks on his feet he runs to springboard jumping off the middle rope to connect against Riddle with a springboard cutter.

Y/N goes to score his victory as the referee counts to three and the crowd cheers for Y/N, It was a close match and the crowd liked both it was just a question of who they wanted to win more.

Y/N got up slowly taking a breather feeling drained from the match as he was handed the US title. This was a tough match if all his title defenses were like this he probably was going to last a month so next week he would take it easy by not putting his title in the line.

Once Y/N checked on Riddle checking he was fine he turned his back to walk away he begins his ascent up the ramp hearing the crowd boo. Y/N looks around confused. It was a great match between two guys the crowd liked. He didn't think it deserved booing. 

He turned his back so that he was facing the ring and it explained why.

Seth Rollins was going to attempt a curb stomp Riddle into the canvas. Y/N dropped the title and ran back to the ring to protect his old friend but Rollins scurried out of the ring running away and departing ringside hopping over the barricade. 

A/N I know it's another short chapter. I want to speedrun to the point where the doubt about his loyalties is cast. So the next 10 chapters will be in one large batch probably all uploaded in the next day or so.

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