chapter 30

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"ok something is definitely not right"

Kana thought to herself as she sat in the cafeteria. In-between two of her favourite people, Toji and Sukuna

She watched how the students didn't even look at Gojo, Geto and Nanami. She had been noticing this from the past 2 months that the students were conveniently ignoring their existence

They themselves looked miserable. They are barely at the school and when they are, no one is training with them

After Sukuna came in, most of the students except Megumi were training with him

At first she thought it was normal, children they are, might have gotten excited to learn from the strongest of all time, but now it looked like they were purposely avoiding training with Gojo, Geto and Nanami

It was total chaos

Sukuna wasn't the softest when it came to training but it looked like the students were enjoying it. Plus Kana also requested him to go easy on them a bit

He would roll his eyes and give a snarky reply but in the end, he'll do what she'd tell him

"A-ano... Do any of you know what's going on with the kids and Gojo-

She didn't get to finish her sentence as both of them squeezed her thighs from under the table

"Nothing is going on, kitten. You finish your food. Let those maggots rot"

Sukuna said with a charming smile

"Hmm... I finally could agree with you king, let them be. The kids know what they are doing... You don't need to worry, doll. Finish your food "

Toji said with a loop skade smile

Kana absentmindedly nodded, taking a bite of her food. She could still feel them touching her under the table but now she was sure something was not right

"If they'd do these types of things to distract me, then there is definitely something wrong.... Wonder what it is"

She took a deep breath, she knew she couldn't just sit there and see their relationship crumble

Kana believes, if you wanna make your school like good, you better have good relationship with your peers, especially teachers and senior teachers

So there is no way she's allowing her children to not do the same. And they were Jujutsu sorcerers, highschool graduation is all they get. So she'll be damned if she doesn't make sure all of her babies

She didn't know what will happen, but she knew the students won't tell her anything. Haibara was out on a mission overseas and Ijichi genuinely looked like he didn't know anything, so she was left with not many choice

"What's going on that pretty little head of yours, doll? Whatcha thinking about?"

Toji asked, intrigued as she usually can't stay a full moment without talking

"Oh... It's just Mika. She's sick"

Toji creased his eyebrows in confusion, Sukuna came to the rescue

"That's her cat"

Toji just nodded, though he never knew he had a cat

So after Kana decided the plan and everything, he arraptly stood up, making both of the males stop there conversation  and look at her with a raised eyebrow

"Oh I just remembered I had two meetings today. And I'll have to take Mika to the vet. I'll come back with dinner for you two in the evening. Till then can I leave?"

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