Finding a date

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Ariana meandered around in the streets, thinking of ways to ending the stupid nightmare.

She spotted a homeless man leaning against the wall of an old building. Ariana crouched down next to him and sighed.  "I had everything," she said. "Money, fame, fortune. but now I'm nothing."

The old man turned around and smiled revealing a set of crooked teeth.  "I've been there too sister. I had everything. It was too late. Save yourself girl!" the old man recited.

Ariana stepped back a bit, remembering something. "I... I have a house somewhere here! I remember!" She screamed. Ariana hugged the old man and ran off into the night.

She wandered around the streets for twenty minutes or so. Blinded by the iridescent white ray of the street lights. 

"Uh Ha!" Ariana ran towards a two story house.  She looked inside, trying to see if anyone was home. It was a big house she had purchased a few months ago.

Ariana pulled out an extra key from under the mat - she had just remembered leaving it there a month ago.   Much to to her amazement,  the door opened.

Ariana opened the fridge to find food. Food that would last her for about a week.

Ariana felt a sudden sting in her arm. She looked at her wrist and found the number fading, then forming a 28. She looked back in the fridge and pulled out some salad, avocado and some bread.  considering Ariana was vegan she always bought special bread made without eggs. She was bewildered by that fact that she had forgotten about this house. For the most part, where she lived and how to get home. It must have been part of the spell.

Ariana had searched up 'dating sites.' She never thought she would be doing this in her life. Ever. But here she was in desperate search of a date.

She made an account on a random dating site, and came up with a fake name; Janette Percy. The most decent name she could think of. She then attached a photo of a random girl she found on Google images. The girl looked a bit like her, when she was, well, Ariana Grande.

The next morning she received a message from anonymous.
< Are you ready for our date 3 o clock?
Ariana typed back
> Yeah I'll be there in a sec

Ariana got dressed in the best clothes she could find (that could fit). She was now too tall, and bulky for most of her clothes.

She checked her reflection. Ariana applied some foundation onto her skin. 'could be worse' she thought.

She sat at the restaurant that the date has supposedly booked.

"Is this Amelia Hecox?" someone asked. Ariana looked up and saw a man who looked like he was well into his 40's.

"Yes and You Drew Vincent?"

The man sat down and eyed Ariana suspiciously. "You don't look anything like your Profile Picture."

"Neither do you..." Ariana retorted.

On the site his picture was of a handsome young lad with nice eyes.  In real life he was nothing that he had put himself out to be. "creep," Ariana spat.

"Says the one who messaged me first." he said sarcastically.  He looked Ariana up and down. "Ugly witch."
Ariana had a lot of hate before, but this was something else. Ariana slapped him in the face and stormed out.

She returned home to find the number on her arm turning to 27. "Oh god" she screamed angrily. "God help me."

27 days left. She had to give it another go. She opened her computer and looked for another date. She found another person try to add her. His name read Patric Sylvester.

Patric looked exactly like his profile picture. Bald, slim and muscular. He was hot in Ariana's eyes.

"Hey, Patric," Ariana greeted. They were seated at Star Bucks. Ordering coffee.

Ariana took a sip of her drink and looked out the window.

"Hello. Me Patric," the guy said.

"Hello Patric" Ariana repeated.

"So what is it that you do?"

"I am engineer."


"What do you look for in a girl?" Ariana asked.

"I like pretty girls."

"Oh. Very nice," said Ariana. She could feel an innocent, naive and dorky vibe about this guy.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Ariana whirled around her chair, playing with her hair. Which was out of character, but Ariana figured she really had nothing better to do.

"Ehhhh," said Patric. "You're okay."

"You don't think I'm pretty? Fine. Whatever." Ariana got up, and silently marched out of the coffeeshop, her arms swinging side by side.

"People these days." She sank down. Leaning against a brick wall. She looked at her arm. It had changed to a 26. She sunk her face into her knees.    Ariana decided that was was it for the day. All she wanted to do was curl up into her bed sheets and never come out.

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