Ariana is it really you?

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On the 23rd day Ariana had landed herself a job as a Janitor. The only job that accepted her job applications. She needed the money for resources. All the food in the fridge at the only home she knew was gone.   She could have asked Beth to lend some money, food and clothing, but Ariana decided it was better off not to.  She has already caused enough mayhem.

Ariana mopped and mopped the floors of the school, gagging at the smell of the decaying smoothie that had God knows how long had been there.

Once she was done, she noticed a group of boys eyeing her.  

"Hey. Sexy mama," one of them said wryly as the four boys walked past.

"Nice junk in the trunk," said another, as Ariana had been bending down for the sake of cleaning.   Irritated, Ariana whacked one of them in the abdomen with her wet mop.

"Eugh!" He leaned over.

"Yeah. That's right. Give you a test of your own medicine," Ariana said bitterly.

The boy pulled out a fist. The others holding him back.

"Come at me bro," Ariana held both her arms out. She didn't care what happened to her. Not anymore.

In a split second Ariana found herself in a lunch off with the boy that made a crude comment on her behind.

"You know. It's not very gentlemen-like picking fights with girls," Ariana snorted.

"You were the one that hit me lady. Didn't even notice you were a girl," he coughed.

Six bruises later, a teacher had broken up the fight. "Enough!" He held the two apart.

"You. Have some explains to do," the teacher turned his head towards Ariana, "and you. You're fired."

Turns out that 'teacher' was the principle. And that Ariana had only lasted three hours as a school Janitor.

She sat in front of the school's gates, taking in deep breaths. Letting the wind blow her hair aback. She watched the trees shuffle as the wind ran by.

"Well. That happened," Ariana sighed.

One the way home, Ariana had a flash back. The navigation to a specific household flashes in her mind. Following her instincts, she ran to the destination.

Seven streets later, she came to a stop. Out of breath. Finally, she knocked on the door, and rang the door bell. Ding, dong. Ding,dong.

"Oh. Someone's coming," said a voice from inside. A silhouette of a girl with big curly hair appeared, getting closer and closer. She opened the door. "Who is it?" Said the strange falsetto voice.

"Colle--" Ariana hummed, "Miranda?!" she corrected herself.

How could she forget? Colleen, one of Ariana's first singing teachers, and also one of her best friends - lived only up the road from her house in Pink Avenue.

"Sorry. I was in the middle of making a video. Who's this?" said Miranda - Colleen's made up character she played for comedic purposes.

"Well. It's... a long story. May I come in?" Ariana tried to get into the house, anticipating for a 'yes'.

"No? Why in the world would I let some random stranger nocking on my door, into my house?" Bellowed Miranda Sings.

"Colleen's just drop the Miranda act. It's me Arrrrr--" Ariana stuttered. "I was sent here on Ariana's behalf."

Miranda Sings raised and eyebrow. "Sure she did. But you know what, because you're such a dedicated Mirfanda, tracked down where I live. I'll let you in." She pulled open the door and stepped back.

Ariana nodded, then proceeded into the house. She didn't know how she would break the news to Colleen.

Colleen sat back down, infront of her tripod and camera. "Sorry guys. Anyway, today I would like to introduce a very special someone. Come here" Miranda waved a hand at Ariana.

Ariana sat down, staring into the camera sheepishly.

"This is--"

"Janette," Ariana cut in.

"Okay, you know what. I don't have time for this." Ariana got up and switched off the Nikon camera.

"Rude," hissed Colleen/Miranda.

She walked up to Colleen and pressed a hand on both her shoulders. "It's me. Ariana."

The expressionless face of Miranda sings stared back at her. Then she started laughing.

"Colleen. It's really me, Ariana."

She wouldn't stop laughing.

"I can prove it." Ariana straightened up.   " The last time you saw her Ariana, you said to her--" Ariana whispered the exact words.   "And on the first day I had a signing lesson with you, you taught me --"

Colleen/Miranda pressed a finger to Ariana's lips. "Say no more." 

They stared at each other for a moments hesitation, then Ariana broke into tears and pulled Colleen/Miranda in for a hug.

"Please help me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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