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Reputation observed Lover with a gentle smile as she meticulously dried both of their nails, relishing in the comfortable silence that enveloped them. Lover returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of contentment and excitement as she stood up, her movements graceful and fluid.

"Do we really have to head downstairs?" Reputation queried, a hint of reluctance in her tone. "We could just stay here and watch a movie together," she suggested, hoping to extend their quiet moment.

Lover tilted her head playfully, her eyes dancing with amuse. "Oh, come on, Reppy," she teased, using the nickname she always used for reputation. "It'll be fun, I promise," Lover insisted, her voice carrying a note of genuine excitement.

Reputation hesitated, momentarily lost in Lover's infectious enthusiasm. She knew she would do anything for the shorter girl, so she relented with a small smile. "Fine, but you owe me," she teased back, a playful glint in her eyes.

Lover's giggle was like music to Reputation's ears as she left the room to fetch blankets. Reputation followed behind, her mind already anticipating the cozy movie night ahead. As they descended the stairs, Lover's soft humming filled the air, and Reputation felt a sense of calm settle over her.

Arriving in the living room, Reputation's gaze landed on 1989 and Midnights, who were deeply engrossed in each other on the couch, and felt her face scrunch up in disgust. They always had to be touching each other in one way. She swiftly shifted her focus back to the TV, only to realize that the movie had already begun without her and lover. With a small shake of her head, she settled down on the couch, determined to enjoy the rest of the movie despite missing the beginning.

Lover distributed blankets to everyone with a warm smile, apologizing quietly for their slight delay. She settled down next to Reputation, draping a blanket over both of them. Reputation couldn't help but offer a genuine smile in return before focusing on the movie.

As the movie progressed, Lover leaned her head on Reputation's shoulder, a simple gesture that sent a flurry of butterflies through Reputation's stomach. She tried to ignore the way her heart raced at the contact, pushing aside the confusing feelings stirring within her.

Halfway through the movie, Lover's presence felt like a warm embrace, and Reputation couldn't shake the realization that her feelings for Lover might be more than platonic. The realization was both exhilarating and terrifying.

Just as Reputation was lost in her thoughts, Debut's voice interrupted her reverie, pulling her back to the present. She turned to see Debut, wearing a sheepish expression. "Can you go get us some more popcorn?" Debut asked, her eyes darting nervously towards Reputation.

Despite the initial urge to snap back, Reputation recognized the opportunity to cool off. With a determined nod, she grabbed the almost-empty bowl of popcorn and headed to the kitchen.

As she prepared the popcorn, Lover's voice reached her from the doorway. "Reppy?" Lover's concern was palpable, causing Reputation to momentarily close her eyes.

"Rep," Lover tried again, her tone soft and caring. Reputation turned to face her, her emotions a tangled mess.

"Leave me alone, Lover," Reputation managed, the words coming out harsher than intended.

Lover's hurt expression pierced Reputation's heart. "What?" Lover's voice wavered slightly, her eyes reflecting hurt and confusion. "I said, leave me alone," Reputation repeated, unable to meet Lover's gaze.

Reputation retreated to her room with a heavy heart, the weight of her conflicted emotions pressing down on her. She couldn't bear to see the hurt in Lover's eyes or confront her own feelings just yet.


Second chapter completed! Wooo, I really hope it meets your guys expectations.

I'm trying to do justice for how I write Reputation and Lover, so I'm open to any feedback or suggestions you may have.

Please forgive me for short chapters; at the moment, I'm still figuring out where the story will go. Thank you for reading, and I'll do my best to bring you the next update in the next few days. ♥️

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