Chapter 2

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"Wow this is..... something" John Exclaimed as he walked through the crowd. This party was no joke, the music, lights, and glitter were all astounding. It's been a while since he's been to a party thus, he isn't used to any of this, not to mention the dramatically immense crowd. "Poppy really outdid herself huh" John muttered. She invited trolls from the other tribes since they'd all become allies after the rockapocalypse.

So many different and unique trolls, paired with the intensely loud music, He couldn't
help but get overwhelmed, and the fact that he was left alone by his brothers wasn't helping. Floyd took off when he saw some old rock troll friends and decided to catch up with them. Clay said he had to deal with "The Serious stuff" at the party, probably to avoid having fun. And of course Branch had to help Poppy manage the party for a bit.

John Dory tried to enjoy, but the enthusiasm of the other trolls were a bit too much for him. He needed a breather, his head is starting to get fuzzy.

"Branch" He managed to find and reach out to his younger brother. "yeah? What's up is everything good?" Branch replied with worry, the look on his older brother's face is a little concerning.

"I think I might have to step out a bit Branch, I- I don't know, It's just- I'm not feeling so.... Good?" He couldn't think clearly. His surroundings are preventing him from speaking rationally. Damn it what is happening to me? John thought to himself

"Not that I think the party is bad, it's just that-" his rambling gets cut off by Branch giving him a sympathetic look. "It's alright John, I think I get it, I used to be like that too the first few times I actually started to show up to Poppy's party invitations. It's alright, go take a break." Branch could relate to his brother, and he definitely knew the reason why. He spent 2 decades being miserable, basically isolating himself, most of the time he just stayed inside his Bunker.

Naturally he didn't go to any parties because of that, and the first time he actually did after they befriended the Bergens. It didn't go too well. Branch is just glad his brother didn't hyperventilate like he did back then. (Even though John looks like he's about to)

Jd sighs in relief as he hugs him "Thank you, Branch" He's been wanting to do that for a while. It hurt really bad that none of his brothers wanted to hug him back the first time they met. But now, it feels just felt right to hug his youngest brother.

To his surprise, Branch gave him a small hug back. Although he huffed in annoyance, the smile on Branch's face says otherwise. "Yeah yeah you big baby, just don't miss out on too much ok?"


So now he's back with Rhonda on the outskirts of Pop Village. John didn't even realize how easy it was to breathe here, compared to the village. It was really nice how Branch seemed to act more kindly towards him.

He thought Branch would never want to see or talk to John again after the things he said at the wedding. It stung A LOT, but could he blame him for saying he didn't want to be brothers anymore? He couldn't get distracted though. Floyd was in danger, and he needed to focus on the mission, so John decided to push those feelings aside.

Thank God their performance on Vacay Island smoothed out their relationship. He didn't know what to do if they were still that mad at him. John Dory isn't really built to talk about feelings.

Heck, I'd probably screw up our relationship even more if I talked with them. John thought to himself


"POPPY!! QUEEN POPPY!!" Poppy, Viva, Peppy all turned their heads to take a look at the troll shouting her name.

"Smidge? Why what's going on did something happen?" Poppy asks. The little troll looks like she's in a lot of distress.

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