Sealed deal

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They leave the museum, artifact in hand.

Makima was still pissed at him though.

They get in the car but she still refuses to talk to him.

She looks to the opposite direction of where Satoru is.

He pulls over to the side and looks at her.

"Hey.. I know you didn't get to finish your mission by yourself. I know you're pretty independent. You'd rather finish a mission on your own than ask for help." he starts

"Sorry about that hehe...I wanted to give you the vase. I'll let you keep it so don't get mad anymore okay?" he pleads

"Wouldn't you rather keep a billion yen vase to yourself than give it to someone like me?" she says

"Someone like you? What do you mean?" he asks

"I'm the Control devil." she says

"You know what I mean? Like the reason why even Sukuna is wary of my presence? He told you right?" she adds

A week ago....

Sukuna stirs from his innate domain inside of his vessel, Itadori Yuji.

He senses it. The Control devil. It's that woman with golden ringed eyes and braided red hair.

He lets his presence be known to the woman in front of him by appearing on Itadori Yuji's cheek.

"The Control devil huh. Why they call you that I don't know. I wouldn't care either. But I'd be more cautious around her if I were you, brat."

Fortunately, he didn't go out to waste his energy talking just to say something annoying. No, he came with a warning.

"I know some sorcerers and curses call me that for as long as I've walked the earth. Because of the kind of powers I have. Being able to control and manipulate living beings to follow my every whim."

"But I don't know why they call me a devil. I'm only human. I have feelings too, even if I don't show them much." she says, sadness in her eyes.

"Am I a cruel person, Satoru? Do I seem like a devil whenever I'm doing my job as a sorcerer?" she asks him

"Am I bad for having these abilities I don't plan on using for evil?" she asks once more, eyes looking at him for an answer

The last question caught him off guard. Who knew the emotionless, neutral, stoic Makima had this side to her?

Everyone has weaknesses for as long as they're human. Nobody is perfect. Not even him.

"I know you're a good person. I trust you with my life. Remember when we fought those gods and you pulled out your domain? You could've easily gotten rid of me. But you didn't." he said

"I have the six eyes for a reason. I can see the truth in someone just by looking at them." he says

"I already trusted you from the day we met. My eyes don't deceive me." he said

she smiles softly at those words

"You're no devil. Besides, devil or not, I'd still fall for you." he says, a reassuring smile on his face

her thought process stopped while
she stared at him

"And about the vase... I mean it is pretty expensive.. but if it's for you, I'd gladly give it." he said

she snapped back to reality and asked:


"No amount of money could replace you. I'd trade the whole world for you. I'd watch it burn for you."

"You're the only woman I've ever fallen so hard for." he says

"I'm down bad." he chuckles

"I am so in love with you, Miss Makima."

she smiles softly at his words

she couldn't hold herself anymore


She wraps her arms around his neck and whispers:

"I love you too."

He holds her waist as he slowly leans in to kiss her. And takes notice of her features. Her beautiful golden eyes, her skillfully braided hair, her smile.

She runs her hand through his soft locks, taking off his blindfold.

There, she saw his eyes. The very same eyes that only seem to look for her and only her.

Her heart skips a beat looking at those ocean-blue orbs.

Now here they are. It's like they were made for each other. Neither of them wanting to let go of the other.

They finally broke the kiss.

"Have I ever told you you looked gorgeous in that dress?" Satoru says, still gasping for air

"Yes you did, Satoru. Yes you did." says Makima

She traces his cheek and examines it. It seems to have a small cut. Barely visible. But her sharp eyes noticed it.

She kissed it

"There. All better now." she said

As she looks out the car window to look at the full moon in all its glory,

A hand holds her chin and forces her to look at him.

Shivers went down her spine.

"You don't get to look anywhere but me starting now." he smirks

"Is that so? Then bark for me, baby." she returns the smirk tenfold with an eyebrow raise

"That's an order."


"Woof woof." his voice low and alluring

"I'd let you order me around any day of the week." he says




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