Ch || 1 || twins?

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Two heart beats were heard.. as the two older couple looked at the baby in the ultra cam they expected only one baby but another was hidden blocked by the first baby.

(P.S some twins tend to do that in the womb of their mothers, they tend to block their other siblings, found out from my twin best friends)

The parents never thought they'd have twins, especially in their older years as the wife looked at her husband who smiled at her his blue eyes watering.

"Do you want to know the gender of the second baby, Mr Storm?" The nurse asked the man with respect, and a gentle tone.

The parents looked at each other, they don't know if they should as they figured it's another boy, as the first twin they seen on screen was a boy already.

"Yes please.." Ms Storm said softly, as she looked at her husband who was already smiling at her he wouldn't mind another little bunch of boys running around he just hoped the baby is a girl.

"Let me see, it looks like the boy doesn't want his twin to be seen on screen." The nurse giggled a little as she kept trying to show the other baby.

After a while of the nurse moving around, the baby was finally shown, they were a little smaller than the first baby the nurse looked closely and finally said the gender.

"Congratulations Mr and Ms Storm, you have a healthy baby girl.." the nurse said, and I almost collapsed at the last words.

A d-daughter...


It was finally time, our little bundles will now be coming into the world.

My 5 sons rushed towards me excited for their baby sister and brother arrival, as I quickly left them right their grandparents in the waiting room and went with my wife to the delivery room.

After a couple long hours, my son was out and I quickly went back to my wife as we waited for the princess to arrive.

"One more big push, I see the head." The doctor said, as my wife pushed once more and a slight cry was heard, our princess was born.

The doctors quickly took the baby's out, as we swapped rooms I held the love of my life's hand as she passed out from all the pushing and screaming for hours.

While my wife woken up a little, the nurses came inside holding two babies one in blue blanket the other in pink, I quickly helped her sit up as the nurse gently passed my son to her, as the other nurse past me my little girl.

Their perfect.

My son was slowing waking up, as I looked at him and gasped at his eyes they were like our oldest son Alexander, he smiled at both of us, I than felt little stirring in my arms as I looked down our princess was slowly getting up.

As I watched her open her eyes, I fell in love with her, she had the same eyes as her two brothers just instead of it being the whole eyes it was half colored.

The door was then swung open, our eldest son and his brothers came rushing in, they all crowded around their mother as my eldest came towards me looking at his younger sister.

"She's perfect dad." He said softly as he gently took her from my hands, her eyes almost like his, she looked just like him when he was a baby just girl version.

My parents and in-laws and siblings came in and surrounded Alec trying to hold our first princess, in the storm family, but he did not budge only did when my mother grabbed her slippers.

"Oh my how cute my baby sister is, what is their name dad?" My second oldest Zayne asked while holding his brother while looking at his baby sister.

"Their names is Jade & Lorenzo Storm." My wife said, as I agreed I loved the names she chose for them.


I was in shock still that I have baby's, I'm 45 and my wife is 42 we had our eldest son when she was 21 and I was 24, our little babies could pass as our eldest sons kids.

Alexander was 21, Dante was 20, Kian was 18, Alastor was 16, and the fact we have 2 more being babies is crazy for us but we wouldn't care as it was our love for each other that made them and we don't regret it at all.

As I was on the bed playing with my little jade, her twin brother was eating, he was a mommas boy while my little girl was a daddy's girl.

I loved them so much, my kids and family loved the twins so much, especially jade as she is the first and only girl she was so spoiled her grandparents bought her 2 cars that she couldn't even drive till later, her older brother bought her a whole house for her.

I wouldn't wanna trade this for anything, I watched my sons enter the room and started playing with Lorenzo as jade was now asleep in Alexander's arms she was so attached to him.


9 months later..the twins grown kinda fast, and started talking and crawling for small babies they were quite strong, the family couldn't be happier with the two bundle of joy.

Little did they know, one of the twins will be taken from them before they even realized it, as someone is watching them in hiding.

"The princess is mines.." a man smirked as he stayed hidden in the back looking at the now sleeping baby and silently breaking in the window, after killing the guards.

Just like that, the little princess was taken, and the family was furious and bloodthirsty.

"Find my fucking sister/daughter !" The oldest brother and the father said in union, to the guards who searched the whole area for the princess.

"I won't rest till I have his fucken blood on my hands mark my words." Alexander's soft voice now gone and replace with coldness he will not stop searching for his sister.


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