ruhi emotional breakdown

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ruhi locked herself in room and remembering that day when she got to know aaru was dead she was crying she gets up and plays songs and starts dancing everyone hears the music 

she was dancing so painfully she was dancing she was dancing continuously she was dancing she was tired but she was not stopping the glass was broken she steps on that but still she was dancing 

rohit comes near door and sees the music he breaks door and  sees  ruhi dancing with blood oozing from her legs rohit holds her he stops the music he says ruhi what have u done she says leave me and she cries he says relax and makes her lay on the bed he calls abhimanyu and asks him to come everyone comes 

dadisaa asks what happened rohit he says she was dancing and she stepped on broken glass

abhi does the first aid he says please everyone go outside he says ru relax relax aaru says abhi she has panic attack inject medicine fast he takes the injection and injects to her he says she will sleep for some time 

rohit was with her abhi and aaru was worried for ruhi abhi says aaru she needs break put her back to work aaru says yes rohit says yes she need get back to work

she was mummering matashree poppy do not leave and go they says ru we are here abhi says let she relax we will get the surgery done soon and put her back to work 

rohit says i was ready to move to another house also but she stopped me abhi says that is also right but i cannot see her in pain like this abhi says your panic attacks she also gets the same 

she says yes rohit be with her she says abhi we will stay till she wakes up he says we will go down they all come down 

dadisaa asks what happened to ruhi abhi says she is getting panic attacks abheera says even mumma gets the same arman says please be quite abheera says she is my sister aaru says abheera she is unable to digest everything so please we need to give her suddenly how she bare this 

rohit came back we came back she got to know about you it is not so easy for her aaru says abhi we need to take her with us might be she will be able to fight back he says yes aaru dadisaa says it is better because she need love of your let rohit also be with her he says yes 

rohit calls abhi and says ruhi is awake they all go to her room abhi asks how are my ru she says poppy i want to come with you he says yes i will take you don't worry he scars her hair she says poppy please do not leave me he says no ru i will not leave u rohit says i will pack your luggage abhi says packs your also he says no papa i have so much work i will meet ruhi you don't worry she needs your love she says i am sorry rohit he says no need enjoy with family okay 

he packs her suitcase abhi lifts her and takes her and makes her to sit in the car aaru was one side abhi was another side 

she says please do not leave me they says we are with you she hugs them she says i will not leave u and go anywhere they arrive at goenkas house swarna welcome them abhi take ruhi to her room and makes her sleep thier only he sits with her aaru says i will make chocolate shake 

he says yes she goes she hugs him and says poppy i cannot see you without anyone you call me selfish but your only mine he says yes dear i am only yours do not worry okay she says poppy when she told about her i was so worried where will u leave my again he says no ru aaru says chocolate shake and gives her but her hands was shaking abhi sees it and says i will feed her and feeds her and makes her sleep and sings lohri aaru was also thier she touches her head and says she has fever 

he says yes he says what will do know she says i will bring cold water and cloth we will put that he says yes and brings that they both do that ruhi wakes up and sees them she says matashree she says  ru my baby she asks where is poppy he says i am here she says canpakes they says pancakes 

she says wahi wahi abhi feeds her she says same taste aaru says you forget ruhi says never and feeds her manish and swarna says nobody should separate these three also

ruhi asks you both were together these years and you did not bring me a baby aaru says no dear we were not ready for it because we knew you were thier abhi says idea is not bad she says this idea should be implemented on ruhi

abhi says we are going for movie only we three aaru says super and says ru get ready fast she says yes matashree she takes her clothes and she gets ready and she comes down 

they all go together they go to movie and sees the movie after that they go for dinner and have it 

after that ruhi says it was very funny i loved it aaru asks ruhi are u happy with rohit she says yes mumma i love him we both love each other he cares for me so much abhi says just like me she says yes i am really blessed aaru says ruhi tomorrow is your surgery we cannot miss that okay

she says yes okay we will not miss it anyways it is paining badly i have danced so much it is hurting me and i did not take my medicines also so it is hurting me 

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