1: Betrayal Unveiled

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Hello There.
Just a Quick Warning ⚠️

" If Steal my shit or even think about it, I will haunt you down and sell you on ebay understand " ?

If you do , we cool and even if you don't we still cool .

Yeah ? yeah.

Any-who this is the first book I've ever written and i might not be as good as other writers so bear with me a little, okay.


Storm pushed open the heavy wooden door to their shared home, a cozy little space where he and Thomas had built their lives together. The faint smell of freshly baked pastries lingered in the air, a comforting reminder of the bakery that Thomas owned and where Storm worked diligently alongside him , even though his alpha already owned a law firm he still made out time to be at the bakery with him. But today, that familiar scent brought no comfort to Storm's aching heart. It had been a long and cold day at the bakery and all he wanted to do was wrap himself in his alpha's warm and comforting embrace. Little did he know that the moment he stepped foot into their house that his world would shatter into a million pieces.

Something felt off as Storm stepped further into the living room, his omega sensestingling anxiously . Clothes were scattered carelessly on the floor, a sight that raised his suspicions because his alpha had always disliked it whenever the house was dirty . Thoughts raced through his mind as he bent to pick up a discarded shirt, his fingers trembling slightly.

He made his way upstairs following the trail of discarded clothes quietly , the air heavy with anticipation. As he moved up the stairs and approached their shared bedroom, the soft sounds of hushed moans drifted out from behind the closed door. Storm's heart sank, dread pooling in the pit of his stomach like a lead weight.

Pushing open the door slowly with tremblinghands , Storm's worst fears were realized in an instant he was greeted by a sight that would haunt him forever, a sight he knew would be the source of nightmares . Thomas, his alpha, lay naked in bed, entwined with another figure. Storm's breath caught in his throat as the realization hit him like a crushing wave. It was Terry, his best friend, lying there with Thomas in their bed , their sacred space with both of them naked, Shock and hurt clouded Storm's vision as he stumbled back then followed by the feeling of betrayal, the truth before him too painful to bear.
Without a word, he turned and fled from the room, his heart shattered into a million irreparable fragments. Tears pricked at his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He couldn't break down, not now; he needed to think, to process the betrayal that had torn his world asunder. How could Thomas betray him like this? No how dare Thomas? The pain cut deep, so deep it threatened to Swallow him whole.
He ran away from the house they had built together , from the love that had once blossomed between them. The betrayal had wounded him to the core.

Storm spent the rest of the day wandering the streets of the city aimlessly, consumed by a turmoil of emotions. Anger, sadness, and a profound sense of loss tangled within him, each fighting for dominance in his wounded soul.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city as Storm found himself standing before a familiar park bench overlooking a crystal clear lake, the same one where he and Thomas had shared countless stolen moments of happiness. This was the same park where he had met Thomas, he still remembered it like it had only happened yesterday, he had been on his way to school without really paying attention to his surroundings and he had mistakenly bumped into the said alpha who was out for his usual morning jog which caused him stumble about , but he had been caught by the alpha before he reached the wet grass below . That was how the love between the two of them had  blossomed , before anyone could even realise it they had started dating , looking back at how he had easily fallen for thomas Storm now felt stupid , so foolish for ever believing Thomas loved him. He thought about all the times Thomas had said he had to travel for a business meeting outside of the state, those times he had said he had to work late in the firm and he had returned home late, he remembered seeing scratches on his back and hickey along the side of his neck but he had never confronted said alpha about it , not once did he even ask about it he just kept quiet so he could keep him , that was how much he loved him.
Thomas had been the only one there for him when his family abandoned him, looking around the park he had always felt happy and at peace coming here . But today, there was no joy to be found there. Storm sank onto the cold metal bench, his head in his hands, his body racked with silent sobs. It was all coming back to him , the times he had said i love you to the alpha he always replied like how someone would reply to a nagging friend, who you knew if you disagreed with what they were saying they wouldn't let you be even when he smiled he was only just realising that the smile never really reached his eye's especially when he was around Storm. How could Thomas, his first love, his alpha, betray him in such a cruel manner? If he didn't love him why didn't he just say so. The ache in his chest was all-encompassing, a gaping wound that no amount of time could heal.

As night fell and the stars blinked into existence above, Storm made a silent vow to himself. He would not allow Thomas to destroy him completely. With a steely resolve hardening within him, Storm wiped away his tears and stood up, his heart heavy but his spirit unbroken. It was time to confront the harsh reality of his shattered love and find a way to move forward, even if it meant leaving behind the home he had shared with Thomas. Just then his phone dinged, bringing him out from his thoughts and he saw who it was it was Thomas he was asking where Storm was . Reading the message made him feel strange, not the kind of strange you felt from a lover who was asking where you were cause he was worried no not,that kind but the kind he was feeling now he didn't know if it was betrayal or something else.

With that he started the dreaded walk back to the same house, he had ran out of.

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