2: A HeartBreak that Lingered

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When writing this chapter , Sand by dove Cameron had been the song playing through my headphones , and I thought it went great with it so enjoy.

With a heavy heart, Storm returned to the home he had shared with Thomas. The walls whispered memories of love and happiness, but they were now tainted by the pain of betrayal. Storm knew he couldn't stay any longer, not in a place that no longer felt like home.

Opening the front door the first thing storm saw was both Thomas and Terry sitting at the dining table, looking at him worryingly . That made him realise that they had not noticed him walking in on them.

Thomas walked up to Storm and hugged him, that surprised him because normally , Storm was the one who usually enitiated the hugs between the both of them . The feeling of Thomas arms around Storm would normally make Storm feel secured and protected but that was in the past , now it only made him feel disgusted, he only wanted to move out of Thomas's arms , they brought back the feeling of vulnerability he had felt when he walked in on him and Terry , he wanted to give Thomas as a slap or even punch him on his face but he knew he couldn't bring himself to do it call him weak he wouldn't , he couldn't even bring himself to say I hate you to Thomas because once upon a time, Thomas had been what he had wanted even if it was for a short while.

" How long ? " Storm paused , as Thomas slowly losen his arms around Storm."How long have you two been seeing each other ? " he continued.

Both Thomas and Terry had a look of surprise on their faces.

" what do you mean Storm ? " Terry replied . Storm looked at both Terry and Thomas with anger filled eyes.

" don't try to pretend like you're innocent, I asked how long have you've both being seeing each other, can't you just give me a clear answer instead of trying to avoid the question ? " both Thomas and Terry glanced at each other before looking at storm .

" Storm what are you talking about, you can't just come home and start accusing me of cheating on you with your best friend . that's absurd , you know I can't do such a thing " Thomas replied.

Storm laughed with droplets of tears pouring out of his eyes slowly , he looked at both Thomas and Terry while pointing at Thomas with wavering fingers .

"I came home early today , just so I could surprise you, but do you want to know what I found instead, I walked in on both of you having sex on our bed , so please can you give me a reasonable explanation , as to why you were having sex with him Thomas " . Storm asked .

Terry gasped while Thomas had a look of shock on his face .

" you know what don't bother giving me an answer to that, I don't think i want to know why you were having sex with my best friend. But just tell me something Thomas was I never enough for you, did what we had going on ever mean anyghing to you. "

with tears rolling down his face Storm left both Thomas , with Terrysrill standing beside the dining table and went upstairs to start packing his things which were not much, cause he still had some of his stuff at the omega complex building , Storm made the difficult decision to leave. It was a choice born out of self-preservation, a desperate attempt to protect his fragile heart. He couldn't bear the thought of being in the same space that had witnessed Thomas's infidelity.

Walking down the stairs Storm walked straight to the front door whuch was still open from when he had walked in some minutes ago but stopped when an arm he knew familiarly to well , an arm that he knew belonged to the the person he didn't want to see or even talk to right now was wrapped around his waist .

" Storm please ju- just give me a chance to explain " Thomas voice had a hint of desperation, one he had never heard before from the alpha kneeling on the floor behind him.

Storm just smiled, shook Thomas arms of his waist and walked out the house into his car . Looking at Thomas at the front door through the car glass , he saw the alpha still kneeling on the floor looking at Storm with a look of desperation, almost the same as the one on he had heard in the alpha's voice when he tried to stop him .

Moving out of the drive-way, it started to unexpectedly rain heavily , to Storm it looked like the sky itself knew how he was feeling inside . The ache in Storm's chest never eased, a constant companion that haunted his every step. He found himself drawn to desolate places, to the solitude of the wilderness where his anguished cries were swallowed by the howling wind. Parking outside the omega building, Storm felt it all coming back , his cries and scream of sadness were swallowed by the heavily beating rain in the empty parking lot.
Walking out the car , he felt like he was floating in an empty void of nothing but darkness , he didn't even realise when he walked out the elevators and into his room , until when he fell on his bed and looked around his the spacious room swallowed in darkness did he notice where he was. Here he could wallow in his self pity with no one to stop him or judge him . He cried, for the times he had heard of some alpha's maltreating omegas or even cheating on them and he had boasted dearly of how he would find an alpha who wouldn't do any of those things to him.

For weeks he just laid on the bed , ignoring the continuous series of knocks , coming from the front door of his apartment . Somehow he knew Thomas was the one knocking there. Each night, Storm lay beneath his fluffy blankets looking out to the night sky through his glass ceilings , for once he was grateful for his apartment being on the last floor , each nights were filled with twinkling stars, the vast expanse of the universe above a stark reminder of how small and insignificant his pain truly was. Yet, despite the beauty that surrounded him, Storm's heart remained heavy with grief, a wound that refused to heal.

In the quiet stillness of his solitude, Storm found himself reflecting on the past, on the moments of happiness and joy that he had shared with Thomas. He remembered the way Thomas's smile could light up a room, the warmth of his embrace that had once been Storm's sanctuary.

But now, those memories were tainted by the betrayal that had torn them apart. Storm couldn't shake the image of Thomas and Terry tangled together in their bed, a vivid tableau of lies and deceit that seared itself into Storm's soul.

With a heavy heart, Storm realized that he could never go back, could never return to the life he had known. The trust that had once bound him to Thomas had been shattered beyond repair, leaving Storm adrift in a sea of uncertainty and pain.

He had been like a planet rotation around the sun and then suddenly the sun went out. Thomas had been his sun, his everything, but now he just wanted to cry for what he had lost.

As the days turned into weeks, Storm's resolve solidified. He couldn't allow himself to be consumed by bitterness and regret, couldn't let the actions of others define his worth. With a newfound determination, Storm set his sights on a new horizon, one that promised healing and renewal.

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