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Fan meet today. Nothing else, just interacting with fans and all but all I wanted to see was yoojun and only him. Me and my members woke up early to prepare for this fan meet, I was so tired at that time since I didn't really get enough sleep but i had to go since yoojun is gonna come then alright. Then my shitty ass members kept on yelling at each other because one is wearing the wrong concept of our clothes for this fan meet, the fuck? it's only a fan meet is it really that necessary to wear the same concept clothes? These people are really.. not. agh.. I don't even know how to describe it. anyway i just ignored them as always and just took a shower, after showering i got off then sunwoo literally had to scare me. "What?" .. "Is yoojun really gonna come?" .. "Yeah he is.. why?" .. "Ah.. alright just wanted to know.." .. "Okay... ?" .. I don't know why he had to ask that but anyways, i know this is kinda rushed but i really want to express my love for him by taking him out on a date.. i won't tell him that it is a date maybe I just wanted to treat him on one.. Time skip to where we had to leave, I'm the first one to get on the van, do I really have to take long inside the house with people yelling at each other? No thank you Then I'll go inside the van first. Sunwoo was next to me, he kept nudging me and asking me if i was texting yoojun, the fuck is wrong with this guy I don't even want to disturb yoojun while he sleeps. "Can you stop nudging me?" .. "Oops sorry bro." .. "Uh.. it's alright i guess.. ?" .. This guy is sometimes confusing, but i listened to music all the way to the venue where the event is gonna happen, by the way .. i made a playlist for yoojun.. filled with songs that would always remind me of him.. as i listened to these songs, i started to imagine me and yoojun at a park while watching as the sun goes down.. the cold wind breeze going through our bodies, my head leaning on his shoulder ..... "Hyunjun? Hello? Are you listening?" The fuck.. why does sunwoo had to butt in every time?! "What?" .. "You're spacing out.. are you thinking of him?" .. "Yeah? so what about it?" .. "Okay sorry for ruining your imagination." .. "Just shut up will you?" .. "Alright alright my bad.." .. He doesn't have to ruin it every time. anyways i continued to stare at the sky while listening to songs as we drove off to the venue, there was nothing else i could think of, only yoojun, why is he taking over my mind? Am i obsessed with him? Wait.. am i? All these thoughts of me being obsessed with yoojun won't stop going through my mind, they won't go away.. Time skip to where we finally arrived at hell.. joke the venue i mean.. there are for sure gonna be a lot of people once they're allowed in.. for sure people would be taking pictures of us. again. But once we arrived the venue was really clean like clean clean, for sure there are gonna be a lot of mess here after the event.. some people just don't know how to clean, we prepared our stuffs i guess, i just sat somewhere and grabbed my phone from my pockets and somehow i wanted to chat yoojun if when is he gonna come, so i did.

Yoojun 🤍

- Hey yooj.

- Hello!

- Are you gonna come?

- Of course, I'm eating breakfast right now.

- Alright, just making sure, eat well.

- Thanks and bye for now I'll let you know when I'm coming alright?

- Alright bye now..

I put my phone down on the table and crossed my arms in boredom i looked around the venue and it's kind of big, i was feeling a little sleepy as the time went by, then i woke up immediately when the event is about to start, there are a lot of people outside wonder where yoojun is.. but im sure he's gonna come, he will message me right? So I didn't think much of it as i saw people going inside the venue one by one, i just sat there while people were going inside the venue, I didn't really seem to care about them as i started to look for yoojun around, I can't see him anywhere.. is he really gonna go? or did he just lied to me, should i message him? no no.. maybe he's on his way. Of course sunwoo noticed it every time. "Is he here now? Did you find him through the crowds?" .. "Oh gosh.. you scared me.. no not yet I haven't seen him anywhere in the crowd" .. "Alright." .. The hell? So he's just gonna keep asking me where is yoojun? the hell, does he like him? hell no, not on my watch. After 10 minutes, i still couldn't notice him so i might have assumed that he's gonna be late or he's not gonna come. I started to get anxious as i stood up and started to look for him. one of the fans noticed this and tried talking to me but i didn't answer because i was focused on the people who were coming inside the venue but none of them is yoojun. fuck where is he? where is the boy that i can see, the face i wanted to see.. where is he? I was becoming more anxious and started to panic as i imagined that he might have been at a crash while going here.. all of my ash clouds thoughts were gone as soon as sunwoo tapped on my shoulders. "Ain't that yoojun? He's here.. You've been anxious the whole time.. he's here now alright." . "You've been anxious the whole time.. he's here now alright." It's him oh my gosh, i thought he wasn't coming.. I was filled with excitement and couldn't hide them, as the fans started to notice that i was suddenly so excited and smiling all the time. The event is gonna start now.. as the fans started to go towards us and ask us for our autographs so we just did our job and did what the fans asked us but i didn't really care to be honest because all I wanted to see up close was yoojun. Some of the fans asked me why i was so excited so suddenly earlier, of course i didn't say the truth i had to lie to them.. Now. yoojun was talking to sunwoo, i glanced at them and i smiled at yoojun, ugh.. he's so beautiful.. now he's gonna talk to me.. "Hey.." .. "Hi. Why are you late, you made me worried i thought you weren't coming." .. "I'm so sorry, heavy traffic you know." .. ." ..
"Ah.. is that so? Well I'm glad it's only traffic" .. "Well can i ask for your autograph?" .. Of course i would give you my autograph, how could i say no to this pretty boy. "Of course.. where though?" .. "On my notebook." He said as he handed me his notebook. "How many?" .. "What do you mean how many?" .. "I could put many in here" .. " I thought you can only put one ?" .. "Well you know me pretty boy, i would give you a lot" .. "Maybe three ?" .. "Sure three it is" .. I know you only give one fan one autograph but i would give a lot if it's yoojun.
After that he gave a look at my signature on his notebook, i gave him an admiring look as i admire his beautiful looks and mostly.. his smile.. a lot of fans must've noticed this as they took a picture of us. I don't mind, the fuck would i care if i was suddenly being posted on dispatch that i was caught admiring a boy? The hell would i care about that? "Beautiful signature." .. "Thank you, and by the way yoojun before you go.." .. "Hm? Is there something you want to tell me?" .. "Can we go out later?" I whispered to yoojun as i don't want anyone knowing, but of course these fans would take another picture of me whispering something to yoojun. "Go out? After the event?" He whispered back. "Yes.." .. "But how are you gonna like escape?" .. "I have my ways yoojun" .. "Alright sure as long as you don't get caught" .. "Thank you, see you later." .. "See you" As yoojun moved away from me he talks to my other members but he seems to have a hard time talking to them because he doesn't really know them, except for me and sunwoo though..I can't do anything about it so i just shut my mouth and continued to talk to the other fans who won't stopped asking me what i was whispering to the boy earlier, I can't help but get a little mad at them for asking these types of questions to me fans by fans they kept asking me i really wanted to snap at them one by one seriously im getting a bit annoyed now, I can help but lie at them, why would i tell them that im actually taking that boy out today, I actually still don't know how am i gonna escape here and go out with yoojun so i literally started to space out again until my leader did. "Hwall? Hey you're spacing out. Snap out of it." .. "Oh right. Sorry" .. I continued to think of how I'm gonna get out of here, only sunwoo knows that I'm going out with him. "Sunwoo." .. "Hm?" .. "I'm going out you better not tell anyone that im going with yoojun alright?" .. "Understood! promise!" .. "Alright thank you, i just wanted to let you know" .. "Thanks for letting me know" .. "Welcome." .. As the fans started to ran out, I'm glad, Finally they're gonna stop asking me about what Happened earlier, i'm so sick of it. After the event, We said our thank you to the fans for coming and said our goodbyes. The venue is being cleaned right now as i started to sneak out, sunwoo is helping me sneak out. "Hey, why don't we just go home and go out and meet up with yoojun at the place?" .. "He's waiting outside." .. "Oh dear.. alright just don't let yourself get caught." .. "I won't, idiot, i have my mask on anyway." .. "Alright be careful, don't let yourself get caught hyunjun." .. "Yeah i won't promise." As I sneaked out of the venue, i saw yoojun standing outside and scared him. "Boo!" .. "Ah!" And he accidentally hit me right near my eye. "Agh.." .. "Omg I'm so sorry.. are you.. let me see.." .. He held onto my face while he looked at the bruise that he just made. I was a bit shocked as he did that, gosh he's so sweet.. i admire him so much. "Ya! are you okay?" .. "I'm alright, I'm alright.." .. "Gosh I'm so sorry.." .. "It's okay though it's just a small bruise." .. "Are you sure you're okay?" .. "I'm really okay don't worry." .. "Alright, so let's go to the place where you wanna take me out?" .. "Let's go." .. I held his hand and started walking. The felt of his hand is so soft.. and it was kind of big compared to me..

.. // ..

A/n: I can't believe i finished writing this in just 2 hours Y'ALL😍😍😍😍💔💔👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼 I USUALLY DON'T HAVE ANY MOTIVATION  BUT SUDDENLY I HAD!😁👊🏼😦😦😦

Words: 1902
(didn't include the a/n)

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