Mon Amour

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*Above is the outfit for the barbecue*

"What y'all lookin' at? You better pray for him. You know what, you in a world of trouble now." The landlord shouts towards a guy inside a burning building. "Smells like a grease fire." Casey says "We'll bring the ansuls. Up on the roof, ready to vent, just in case." He orders the team "I hope you black as a crispy critter when you come out!" The landlord shouts as we go inside "Makes me want to set this place on fire myself" I say to Cruz and he laughs "Sir, you got to move out of here." Casey says to the guy who is trying to put out a small fire on a hot plate with a towel. "Ugh, that it?" we say disappointed "Hit it." Casey tells me so I put it out with a fire extinguisher "Anything to piss off the engine." Otis says "Not gonna lie this is just like my cooking skills" Really" "Yeah I can't cook to save my life so I go to my dads quite a bit for a family meal and some quality time" "You two close" Mouch asks me "Yeah just me him and Justin my brother, our mom died a few years back from cancer" "im sorry" "no its fine we all kind of dealt with it" "If you need to talk 51 is here" "I know thanks Mouch" "Anytime kiddo"

"My hot plate caught on fire. My landlord'll kill me." The guy says to Casey "I got no place to go. I can't go! I can't. I can't." We all look at each other and walk out "Ma'am, is this your place?" Casey asks her "You're damn right it is." "That your microwave down in the basement?" "Oh, what of it?" "Frayed electric cord that started this.Place would've burned to the ground if not for this man. He's a hero." Casey tells her "Sir, I just want to say, never seen a civilian act so bravely." Otis says to the guy and shakes his hand "Get over here. I was so worried about you." The landlord says to the guy and hugs him as we pack up and drive off

We arrive back and sit down in the common room as they guys start talking about Saturdays barbecue "Best benefit all year, boys!" Cruz shouts "He's not lying." Otis says "We're there when you feed us." Mouch comments and I laugh "Hey, you know about fire fans, Dani?" Otis asks me and I shrug "They're chicks who follow firemen like flies to honey."  "Bees, Otis. "Bees to honey." Cruz says "Whatever, we're still the honey."  "I have another name for them its a bit more offensive" I say

"Hey, lieutenant, why do we have a goat on our truck?" Otis changes the subject "Years ago, truck 81's first fire was at a goat farm in little Italy." "Really?" "Mm-hmm." "Nah. They used to have a goat at the station so they didn't have to mow the grass." Mouch says "Huh. I thought that's what candidates are for." Otis says looking at me "Tread carefully Otis you were a candidate until I showed up"

"Smoke-eater in the house." Someone shouts over the PA system we all walk out to see Hermann limping in with a cane "No way." Otis shouts "Hey!" "Hey, Hermann! Welcome back." "Jesus, man." Cruz says looking at his leg and I smack him lightly "They ticked a nerve in my leg. I may not walk straight again." Hermann says "Candidate, get him a chair!" I run over to the squad table and grab a chair and bring it for Hermann "Thanks, kid." He says as he sits down "Ah, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second fellas, are any of my kids around here? My wife or her parents?" he asks "No, why?" "What the hell?" He says moving his leg "I'm healed! Oh, I'm healed!" He shouts as he runs and dances around  "It must have been living with my damn in-laws that was breaking me down!" Hermann shouts "Ah! All right, I'm not that healed." "You ready to get back?" "Yeah." Glad you're back, Herrmann We're a better house with you here."Thanks, chief."  "Uh, later we're going to have a white board session about what happened in the Darden incident last month." I look up at Kelly and he seems stressed so I grab his hand and he squeezes it "I expect you all to be there." Chief says looking at Kelly "On another note, this is Nicki Rutkowski." Chief says as this girl walks over she looks at Kelly but he's looking down at my hand in his "Hello!" Cruz says looking at Nicki "She's going to be working with us next month, helping out with the payroll. Her father is one of my oldest friends.We were in the Navy together, so y'all just treat her like she's your very own..." Chief looks at Cruz who is staring a Nicki "Sister." "Thanks for having me." She says "Welcome. Don't screw up the checks.The first and 15th." Hermann tells her "Oh, I will." She says and everyone laughs but me I don't like this girl something doesn't seem right about her.

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