Chapter 2: It's all my fault

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hey guys so this chapter contains self-harm and mentions of suicide so if you get triggered you can skip the part where I have marked with this sign ⚠️


Suddenly, a chilling scream pierced through the silence, causing Èloise's heart to race. her body froze for a moment as she tried to locate the source of the sound. It seemed to be coming from a nearby alley.

Her instincts kicked in, and without thinking twice she rushed towards the alley, her heart pounding in her chest. As she turned the corner, she saw a figure huddled on the ground, trembling in fear. Her eyes welled up with tears. Why though? because this reminded her about how when she was younger and had once gotten a panic attack and memories flashed through her eyes. In the depths of her mind, a haunting memory emerged, engulfing her in a sea of sorrow.

Flashback~ (the flashback is in italics)

She was a young girl, lost and frightened, she had just returned from an event her father had arranged. There she was a six-year old little girl jumping around like a normal child.

"Èloise !what are you doing?! You're the daughter of The Blanc family. Stop acting like a child! You're not a child!" said Pierre

"But sir , I wanna play like the other kids" replied the little girl

"Svetlana teach this so-called daughter of yours some damn manners!" he said to Èloise mother.

"Oh Pierre , you know how stubborn she is, I've tried but no this girl doesn't listen to anyone!" her mother replied in a sweet tone while glaring at her. Yea well she was used to her mother always acting like she was a terrible daughter, perhaps she actually was like that.

"But don't worry I'll take care of her, after all I am her MOTHER"

Svetlana grabbed her arm and took her out of the banquet hall. It felt like hours as her mother talked to her. Well yea she wasn't screaming or beating her but her words pierced Èloise like daggers, she was only six and didn't understand this world much, all she knew was that she would've really liked her mother to hug her, her mother had once hugged her because they were in public, even though it was fake she still missed the warmth and ease she felt from it, it was like all the worries in the world were gone it was just her mother showing her daughter some motherly love, what a beautiful thing.

"Are we clear?" she snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her mother.

"Yes, mama" she replied in a soft voice

"Good, you are excused". The little girl ran to her room and locked the room. Inside her room, Her chest tightened, and her breathing became rapid. A wave of panic washed over her, making it hard to breath, She clutched her chest, feeling as if the walls were closing in on her.

During the panic attack, She felt an overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness. Her heart raced, pounding against her chest, as if it were trying to escape. Every breath became a struggle, as if the air around her had turned thick and suffocating. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and her thoughts spiraled into a chaotic whirlwind of worry and despair. It felt as though the world around her was closing in, and she was trapped in a suffocating darkness. The intensity of her emotions consumed her, leaving her feeling utterly alone and abandoned. It was a terrifying experience that left her feeling vulnerable and shattered.

As Èloise struggled to calm down, her mothers worda echoing in her mind, she realised something, she realised that no matter how many family members she had, she would always be alone.

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