Chapter 3: The Painful Awakening

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Heyy wassup, its been quite a while since I updated BUT IM BACKᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Happy reading ( ˘ ³˘)♥

As the morning light gently filtered through the curtains, Eleonora slowly opened her eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented. It took a moment for her to remember where she was - the hospital. The memories of the previous day came rushing back, reminding her of the cutting and the darkness that consumed her.

Attempting to sit up, Eleonora was met with a wave of dizziness, forcing her to lie back down. Her body felt weak, as if all the energy had been drained from her. Glancing down at her arm, she saw the bandages tightly wrapped around the wound she had inflicted upon herself. The sight served as a stark reminder of the pain she had been carrying inside.

A nurse entered the room, her warm smile providing a glimmer of comfort amidst the sterile surroundings. She checked Eleonora's vital signs and said:

"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

Eleonora mustered a weak smile and replied, "I'm okay, just a little tired."

"Oh don't worry, it's usually normal to feel like that after a lot of bleeding" she replied in a sweet voice "Remember its ok not to feel ok, just take it easy and don't worry, you have very loving parents who care about you"

Eleonora let out a light chuckle. Of course they were gonna act like that in front of the doctors.

As the day unfolded, Eleonora found herself surrounded by the constant hum of the hospital - the sound of footsteps, the beeping of machines, and the hushed voices of doctors and nurses.


After staying in a closed hospital room all day, she felt suffocated so, she looked around to see the coast was clear and slowly creeped out of the bed, suddenly losing her balance  but thankfully caught the IV drip for support. She peeked through the door to see any annoying nurses, thankfully it was mostly empty so she slowly walked towards the hospital garden. As Eleonora stepped out of the hospital, the weight of her emotions seemed to lift ever so slightly. The sterile walls and suffocating atmosphere had become unbearable, and she longed for a breath of fresh air.


As she walked along the path, lost in her thoughts, she spotted an empty bench so she decided to go sit. As she sat on the bench, she noticed a girl with a warm smile sitting beside her.

"Hey there, mind if I join you? The garden is such a peaceful place." she said in a polite voice

"Oh, um, sure. I guess I could use some company." Eleonora mumbled

"I'm Serena , by the way. What's your name?"

"I'm Eleonora. Nice to meet you, Serena ."

"Nice to meet you too, Eleonora. So what brings you here? "

Eleonora couldn't help but feel drawn to Serena's presence. They began to talk, sharing their stories, fears, and dreams. The more they spoke, the more they realized how much they had in common, despite their different battles.

"Do you have any hobbies?" said Serena

"Yeah, I have a passion for ballet but my parents don't really like it that much" Eleonora replied

"Ballet sounds amazing! It must be a beautiful way to express yourself. Why don't your parents support your passion?"

"They think it's a waste of time. They want me to focus on more 'practical' things. But ballet is my escape, my way of healing."

Serena spoke about her journey with cancer, the ups and downs, the moments of fear and the moments of hope. Eleonora listened intently, her heart swelling with empathy. Because despite battling cancer she was still so happy and hopeful, it felt wrong but she really envied Serena's bravery.


As Eleonora sat in comfort, talking to her new friend, unbeknownst to her , her mother, Svetlana had been looking for Eleonora.

Finally spotting Eleonora, Svetlana hurried over, her expression a mix of anger and annoyance. "Eleonora, where have you been? You had us all worried! You need to stay in your room and not wander off like that!"

Eleonora, taken aback by the sudden appearance of her mother, stammered, "I'm sorry mama, I just needed some fresh air it was too suffocating in there, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Svetlana let out a sigh, her frustration evident in her voice. "It's not just about causing trouble, Eleonora. I have a responsibility to keep my excuse of a daughter safe and accounted for. Just because her royal highness felt stuffy she decided to leave without informing anyone, i didn't raise you like this tch"

'Did you even raise me for the love of god?' Eleonora thought but didn't dare say it
Eleonora nodded. "I understand, Mama, I didn't realize it would cause so much trouble. I'll make sure to stay in my room from now on."

Svetlana let out a hearty laugh "Oh my I'm glad you finally learned something!"

Eleonora rolled her eyes and turned to Serena and gave her an apologetic look, thankfully she understood and nodded, her eyes full of understanding.

With a wave goodbye, Eleonora walked away, feeling a sense of warmth from the brief encounter. She knew that even though they were strangers, there was a connection between them that she couldn't quite explain. Once they were out of earshot, Svetlana turned to Eleonora

"Young lady! How dare you roll your eyes at me, i didn't think i raised such an ungrateful brat, oh! And dont even get me started about all this chaos, cutting yourself for attention! I have never seen such a attention seeking brat! Stay in your limits, put even a other toe out of line and you will see the consequences! Am I clear?"

"Yes mama, im sorry" She mumbled. Of course she was gonna say this, she never gave a fuck about her, of course she was gonna blame her.

After they reached the room, she rushed to the bathroom and just, sat there, she felt numb, just numb. She was a terrible daughter, why would both her parents and all the housekeepers act like that if she wasn't, it was her fault, her fault for being dumb and stupid.

So yea that was it! And because Im an extremely decisive person, I literally changed the whole fucking plot last minute -_- so the chapter turned out pretty rusty
Byee :p

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