~Chapter 6~

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"Do you feel any better?" Sonic asked.

Shadow drifted his eyes off to the side and nodded, a content smile on his face. 

"If we are going to hang out in one of our rooms now, it'd better be yours. Rouge spends quite a lot of time at home and she just comes in without knocking. Plus she's an absolute snoop," Shadow spoke irritably yet affectionately about his friend. 

Sonic grinned, "Sounds good."

The room then fell silent, with the distant sound of the shower running in the bathroom. Shadow and Sonic locked eyes and their conversation replayed through each of their minds. A big, stupid grin fought its way onto the usually stoic face of Shadow's, as he leaned closer to Sonic. The blue hedgehog, not expecting Shadow to initiate, was definitely surprised. But as the black hedgehog leaned closer, Sonic reciprocated, moving his head forward and capturing Shadow's lips in one swift movement. The hero's hands glided up Shadow's arms and over his shoulders to cup his face. He rubbed his thumbs against the soft fur on Shadow's cheeks, as the black and red hedgehog wrapped his arms around Sonic's back. 

Shadow slid his fingers through Sonic's back quills as he tilted his head to lean further into the kiss. Both would agree, it was one of their most heartfelt and passionate kisses yet. It was precise, every movement was graceful and purposeful. Both of them hummed in bliss, too wrapped up in the other's scent, feel and taste to care about anything else at that moment. 

Shadow was enamored with the smell of fresh grass, the taste of chili (of course, it was Sonic), and the feeling of Sonic's royal blue quills under his fingers. 

While Sonic was trapped in the heavenly feeling of Shadow's soft, ebony fur, his overwhelmingly enchanting scent of lavender and the bitter taste of coffee. 

It wasn't for about another 30 seconds of the two hedgehogs' passionate kissing border-lining on making out, did Shadow realise that the shower water had turned off. He pulled himself away from Sonic, a short, breathless gasp escaping him. Sonic's hands trailed down from Shadow's face to his shoulders. 

The cobalt hedgehog watched him with worried eyes, "What's the matter?"

"The shower's turned off," Shadow whispered. 

Silence stretched out for another couple of seconds until they heard the bathroom door open. Both boys broke out of their frozen state and retracted their hands from the other. Sonic leapt off of Shadow's bed and climbed out of the window clumsily. Shadow tossed his bedsheets around trying to quickly get back into bed. 

Sonic slid over, out of the window's view, and attempted to balance on the window sill once more. 

Mere seconds later, Shadow's bedroom door swung open to reveal an ivory bat with a towel wrapped around her body and another wrapped around her head. 

"Shower's free," Rouge calmly announced, leaning on the door frame.

"Thanks," Shadow bluntly replied and rolled out from under his covers. He lumbered over to his drawers, trying to make himself look like he'd just woken up. After getting a fresh pair of socks and gloves, he looked back up at Rouge, wondering why she hadn't left yet.

The bat's eyes narrowed at the window, "Why is your window open?"

Sonic - from outside the window - cringed, realising he probably should've shut it, just didn't know how much time he had. 

"I just wanted some of the air to flow in. It's been getting hotter lately," Shadow made the excuse quickly, hoping she'd leave. 

"Huh. You never open it, that's all."

Rouge's casual yet inquiring tone of voice was one Shadow knew all too well. He could practically hear the gears turning in her brain. Something small never went unchecked under Rouge's radar. Shadow had to play it cool, if he reacted to her suspicions, that would only make the situation seem more unusual. 

Shadow dropped his clean gloves and socks on his bed, "That all?"

Rouge nodded, "I'm going to bed, so goodnight hun."

Rouge straightened herself and walked down the hall to her bedroom, leaving the door open. Shadow shuffled forward, shutting the door momentarily so he could go say goodbye to Sonic. 

Shadow rested his arms on the window sill and leaned his head out to look at Sonic. 

"See that? Just came in without warning," Shadow huffed. "You'd better go home. I'm going for my shower now."

Sonic nodded, "I'll see you some other time then. Goodnight beautiful." 

Sonic winked and shot Shadow a finger gun before curling into a ball to roll off the window sill onto the ground below. A blush creeped onto the ebony hedgehog's face and he smiled as he watched the blue blur speed off. 

He kept looking for a short while, watching the blue streak disappear in the distance, before shutting the window and retrieving his gloves and socks to shower. 

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