Chapter 8 Feelings.

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Leonardes POV
That kiss has my mind whole day. Yes I watched her vunarable flusted state and smirked, it was so cute. I wished I could pinch those soft, cute, pink cheeks of hers.

But something also has my mind when Mr. Cater entered she watched it was like she had known him since forever. But him on the other hand was just watching and eyeing her down when she wasn't paying attention.

When she smiled she thought no one noticed but I did I noticed her smile when she asked him his name. I can't let him be the reason she smiles he can't have her I must. But I can't just fire him. She will probally hate me. Uhhhhh I wish she was here right now but she is not.

2 weeks without a beauty if sun rays is going to be a challange. I did say I can manage without her but will I be able to.

Gabriela POV

My trip is in a day it is now Friday and yesterday, Thursday I was given a generous 2 weeks to visit my family. Tomorrow u will be leaving Canada and visiting los Angeles. I'm so exciting. But I am also nervous what if Mr Dante mess up things on his own ughhh I need to thing straight. Omg I wouldn't be able to leave knowing that Mr Dante is by himself should I stay and for vacation visit my family. This is so frustrating. I was so excited to go and now I am holding back.

You know let me just make a little call to confirm if he is alright because my mind will eventually send me mad.

"Hi Good morning sir", "Oh good morning Gabriela, arent you suppose to be packing and stuff". "Well you see" I fiddle with my fingers as I talk. "I was thinking and I am not comfortable leaving and knowing you have to do all that work by your self so I will visit my family during the vacation".

"Gabriela listen you need a vacation, you just asked and you may get it, your family is important and I'm sure they will love to have a little visit frm you so don't worry about it". "Really you're sure you will manage alone"."you really think I will let you go if I Couldn't manage just how and enjoy yourself with your family". "Thank you so much sir I really appreciate it"."Your welcome now go pack and call me when you land and get a hotel tomorrow"

"Oui Monsieur" I hang up relived that Mr dant will survive by him self to be honest I kinda will miss his grumpy attitude. I'm so excited I wonder how the will react to my surprise.

Leonardes POV

Guessing she said goodbye of some sort in French she hangs up. She really has a nice French accident it is beautiful.

When I saw her call I was worried something bad happend. But It wasn't she was worried I wouldn't manage by myself. Okay I may be delusional here and I know I have a wife but she cares for me I mean why else would she call.

This woman. I arrived at work 5 hours ago and I haven't completed any work. I cant focus it is like I am lacking brain cells. I need to at least complete something or coming here will just be a total waste of time.

After at least 2 more hours I was able to make some calls with the hotel being built and sign some more documents. I leave for home at 6, 2 hours before my scheduled time to leave.

On my way home I pick up some donuts. "I'm home" I shout from the froont door. "Babe can I have some money to go out with my friends". Not even a hi a hello a good afternoon manners people manners. Not able to deal with this I hand Jessica some cash and watch her leave, the least could of done was give me goodbye kiss.

As I think about it do I love her what was in my mind when I married her, she is selfish and greedy. I think I do right? Whatever I am too tired to think.

As I walk into my bedroom to my surprise I am met with my adopted brother, Liam . "Heyyyy brooo long time no see". "Yeah has been a while what you doing here aren't you living so called a million miles away from me to even call".

"I was busy shesh sorry tho", "whatever. So what brought you a banker all the way here". "Well my house unfortunately has been burned down and I need a place to stay"."I knew something was wrong. But yeah sure you can stay".

"I'm joking I realised I was a bit distant and decided to check up"."Oh well it has been a bit lonely here well except for Jessica so you can stay either way". "Thanks bro","yeah, yeah and sell your house your living with me, could use the company". "I already thought far ahead sold it this afternoon".

"You can stay in the first guest room". As Liam departed like he already knew where he was staying I plopped down on my bed.

That is my brother Liam he was adopted my mom loved children and to bring a child to a home, adopted Liam he is a year younger than me and we treat each other like blood.

My mom before she died told us we will both inherit the company but he didn't want to follow in that line.

So she changed the will after many begged attempts and gave the company alone to me. Yes she changed it a while before dying rest in peace ma. Even being a year younger he still doesn't have a girlfriend.

My mind then wondered to a specific person no other than Gabriela. I wonder how she's doing, I decided I will just call in the morning before her flight. I then fell asleep still in my suit. I needed this.

I have finally finished packing yayy congrats to me I'm so tired I didn't know packing could take whole day.

I'm gonna call Crystal and tell her the good news. "Hi Babes", "hi boo how are you?","I am awesome I am going to visit my family tomorrow in Los Angeles".

"Ohhhh okay nice so you wouldn't be in town"? "unfortunately yeah" we talk for at least 2 hours and then ended the call. Should I call Mr. Dante to tell him I'm finished packing. Nah he is probaly sleeping and it would make no sense, why will I call to tell him I finished pack. That is weird.

I eventually let sleep comume me when I finished bathe and hit my soft, black, silky pillow. Tomorrow's a big day a very big one indeed.

Hi Angels Chapter 8 feelings is completed. Hope you guys enjoy this one is a bit long but rather interesting.

So yes leonardes does have a brother I mean why not?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I have now so y'all read and enjoy.

That all I have to say for now. Don't forget to vote and voice y'all opinions in the comments.

Love ❤

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