Headcannons: Talia x F! Reader

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Requested by: @Rosa_Lilac
Reader's Pronouns: She/Her

Reader's Personality: Calm, sweet, patient, laid back.

Taila coming out as a Lesbian and a Demigirl AND dating you

Btw, you are also a princesses and helped Taila/Auriana find Iris

[This is happening during early season 1, it's like "Talia And Kyle Kissing In A Tree]

• She was serious and got frustrated easily when things didn't go her way. You are laid back and calm, going with the flow. The two of you together were perfect.

• You started dating long before meeting Iris, however since meeting her, things have gotten. . . difficult. .

• At first, it was easy, everyone just assumed you two were best friends, but then, you all met Kyle.

• Taila really liked Kyle, they had similar interests and were good friends. Iris and Auriana didn't think that though, they started teasing her about having a crush on him, she denied it, they didn't listen. You also told them that she just likes him as a friend. That didn't work.

• Kyle suddenly did a lot of romantic things, getting her the booklet and calling her eyes luminescent crystals

• -And then Auriana gave him Taila's phone number. He called during practice and Auriana answered it and made Taila talk to him. You wanted to commit so many crimes at that moment but you kept your cool. Talia was getting very frustrated though.

• Before Lolirock's concert Auriana noticed Kyle was in the front seat. Again the girls teased Taila and you were both sick of it. Taila sighed and looked at you, asking if she should reveal your little secret, you nod and she took a deep breath.

• Before she could say anything though everyone found Kyle stuck in dark crystal. Everyone transformed and went to arena.

• Praxina teased Talia, "Aww did you really think you two were going on a picnic?" Talia used Crystal Collidium at her but she was just an illusion.

• You noticed her in the corner and before she could mock your girlfriend any further you blasted her with a flurry of crystals.

• You and Talia ran to Praxina while Iris and Auriana head to Mephisto. Mephisto snaps his fingers and Fake Kyle appeared in front of you and Talia.

• Instinctually you two diverged the attacks away from him- and Praxina. Praxina laughs "Aww you really do have a crush~ How cute and pathetic."

• Talia shook in anger and summoned her scythes, you also summoned your weapon as well, you whispered "Stay calm, this is what she wants. Deep breaths."

• Talia took a deep breath and you both ran towards the Fake Kyle and Praxina ready to strike them both down. Praxina smirked and yelled "Ateruina!"

• Fake Kyle suddenly changed into a huge minotaur. Everyone gasps at the sight and the twins do their evil laugh.

• "Oh klatznick-" Auriana comments. The minotaur's horns flew towards the pairs of everyone and you barely managed to dodge. You fell on the floor and tried to get up but it hurt.

• The minotaur used it's horns again but just aimed at you. Your eyes widened at it and braced yourself. Talia gasps and runs to you she yells out Crstatectus and thankfully the shield is able to stop the horns from hurting you.

• The minotaur steps back and Talia helps you up "Thank you!" Talia smiles and blushes because you're cute af "Of course." Praxina blinks in confusion before the realization hits her.

• let's just skip to after you all used Crystal Luxtra and turned the minotaur into crystal dust.

• You're all de-transformed and backstage, you notice real Kyle crystalized and Talia gets him out. The girls giggle at Talia holding Kyle and she sighs. Kyle wakes up and you all say he fainted from heat? If that makes any sense but you all need acting classes.

• Kyle leaves and Auriana/Iris start singing "Talia and Kyle~ Sitting in a tree~ K-I-S-S-" "Stop!" Talia snaps making them flinch.

• "I don't like Kyle as anything more than friend! I don't even like men." Auriana takes this the wrong way "What do you mean? What did men ever do to you?" Both you and Talia are confused before Iris puts a hand on Auriana's shoulder "Auriana, Talia is not saying she hates men, she's saying she's not attracted to them." Auriana is just :O

• The Volta princess looks back at Talia "Oh I'm so sorry! I really should've seen the signs!" Talia smiles saying it's okay and continues speaking "Even if I did like men, I couldn't date him." She held your hand which makes you blush, you look at her and she's blushing even more

• Iris raised a brow "Because he's human?" Auriana starts shaking Iris "OMG YOU TWO ARE DATING KDJFLAKXKSLSKXK" You all have to cover your ears from Auriana's screaming.

• After someone makes Auriana quiet Iris congratulates you two. Talia coughs "Um...there is one more thing I want to confess." You were now confused. Everyone stared at her in anticipation.

• "I have learned that on Earth people express their gender differently, I've found so many labels for feelings people have and I found one that matches my own feelings about myself. DemiGirl. It means I am not fully a girl."

• You smile while Auriana and Iris hug Talia, once they get off of her you give her a kiss on the cheek "Thanks for telling us." Talia holds the cheek you kissed her and is blushing so much you were slightly concerned she would faint.


The end! Sorry I didn't really focus on the DemiGirl part. I didn't really have any ideas for it, I'm also super sorry for just abandoning this book before it really started. Also can you tell I like writing fight scenes lmao. Oh btw requests are close I already have to start on three other stuff ;-;. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night and goodbye!

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