Headcannons: You're sick

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Ya bitch (was) is sick so I'm being self indulgent and doing Headcannons of Praxina, Mephisto and Carissa taking care of me (and you) because they're my favorites. Was written as platonic but if you can read it as romantic than yay

Sorry if they're a out of character

I also posted this to Tumblr and A03


Praxina ❤️🦋

-Least helpful of this trio

-Praxina doesn't want to get sick as well (she hates it because she feels weak and Gramorr will still make her do stuff) so she just does the basic necessities far away

-She literally tosses you medicine and water (that she made Mephisto go get)

-Totally makes a snarky remark about all of this but hey snarkiness is her love language

-She makes a crystal monster to help you with whatever you need

-She does want you to get better but is just kinda horrible at showing it

Mephisto 💚🐍

-More helpful than his sister that's for sure

-Also not a fan of getting sick for the same reason as Prax but he will at least pretend he's not grossed out

-Shame he's a crappy liar

-He makes you soup though! He's actually a good cook

-Even if Praxina didn't force him too he would try and get medicine (hence on try, listen Earth has a lot of medicine and he is struggling to figure out which helps with what)

-He's at the other side of the cave yelling "Do you need anything???" Every five minutes. He's lucky he's cute

-Probably makes an unintentional passive aggressive remark about all of this. He's very lucky he's cute.

Carissa 💜✴️

-Probably the most helpful (mostly because she has everyone to help you out or tell her that's she too much)

-You aren't getting out of bed without her by your side I'm sorry

-Seriously don't even try to get up without her she may or may not knock you out with her (maracas) clubs

-She means well I swear

-She goes on and on about this will only make you stronger

-She tells you stories from her childhood to help pass the time

-Unlike the twins she doesn't give a klatznick about getting sick because of the mentioned 'it only helps you get stronger' and also Calixans have a very strong immune system

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