• The Fight

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Dorinda & Karen


Dorinda pulled into Burns Middle school, finding the closet parking spot, and quickly made her way to the main office.

Secretary: Good afternoon. Can I help you find a student?

Dorinda: Good afternoon. Yes, I'm Gregory Cole's mother.

Karen: Dorinda, what are you doing here?

Dorinda: Karen?

The sisters shared a surprise look, then a quick hug, before Dorinda went back to the secretary to ask about Greg Jr.?

Dorinda: Mr. Harrison called me; he said my son was in a fight?

Dorinda chuckled softly in disbelief.

Karen: What?

The secretary stood up and said,

Secretary: Ladies, follow me, please.

As she made her way to the far end of the hallway, she gently tapped on the door before pushing it open. Principal Harrison rose from his seat, warmly shook their hands, and motioned for them to take a seat.

Principal Harrison: Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Sheard, please come on in.

To their utter surprise, the two women laid eyes on their sons, who were seated at opposite ends of a tiny sofa tucked away in the corner of the room. John Jr. sported an ice pack on his eye, while Gregory Jr.  appeared completely unharmed.

Karen: What did you do now, John?

John Jr.: Nothing, mama; I swear he started it!

Greg Jr.: No, I didn't. Mom, he kicked me first!

Principal Harrison: Boys, please.

Karen: What happened? J, what happened to your face?

Principal Harrison: Ladies, if you'll sit, I'll explain the situation to you.

Both sisters reluctantly sat down, staring at the man, waiting for him to speak.

Principal Harrison: According to their teacher, Mrs. Morgan, it was time to group read. All the children made their way to the carpet. Gregory sat down, and a moment later, John came over and told him to move out of his spot. Gregory refused and punched him.

Dorinda: Is that true, honey?

Karen: That's what Mr. Harrison just said, Doe.

Dorinda: I'm asking my son. Greg, is that what happened?

The boy stood up, pointed to his cousin and said,

Greg Jr.: Yes, but he kicked my leg before I punched him.

John Jr.: No, I didn't; he's lying.

Principal Harrison: John, we don't call others lairs; we don't punch anyone, and we don't kick anyone either. Moms, as you know from previous years, we have a zero tolerance for fighting.

Karen: What's the punishment?

Dorinda: You're really used to this, huh?

Karen rolled her eyes. But Dorinda wasn't wrong. She'd been here five times since the school year started because of John's behavior, and it was only the middle of November. She didn't have these issues with Kierra; that girl never got in trouble.

Principal Harrison: I'm suspending them both. John for four days and Gregory for a day.

Greg Jr.: Doesn't that go on my permit record forever?

Karen: Wait a second. Why is J getting four days and Greg Jr. only gets one?

Dorinda: Because my son's never been in trouble before.

Principal Harrison: Precisely, Mrs.Cole.

Karen: That's not fair; they were both involved in the fight; they should both be punished exactly the same.

Dorinda: He hit my baby first.

Karen: "He," as in your nephew?

Dorinda: Yes. My son's a good boy; he doesn't fight. He only did something because J kicked him.

Karen: That's not what Mr. Harrison said; he said the teacher said Greg sat down. John came over and asked him to move out of his spot. Greg Jr said no and punched him.

Dorinda: That is not how he worded it. And bedsides, Greg said he kicked him.

Karen: Oh, I see. Anything and everything your son says is true, huh? Mommy's perfect little four-eyed angel, huh?

Dorinda: Ha, no, but I'd believe him over your little lying thief of a son any day of the week.

Karen: Excuse me?!

Dorinda: You heard me!

Principal Harrison: Ladies, please, let's set a good example for the boys.

Dorinda: I'm out of here; come on, baby.

Dorinda grabbed her purse and her son's hand, making her way to the door.

Dorinda: He can't come to school on Monday, correct?

Principal Harrison: That's correct; he'll return Tuesday, the 17th.

Dorinda: Okay, thank you.

Dorinda left, leaving Karen to continue on with the principal.

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