Chapter 11 - 21 Ability

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Anyway, within a few days, this little thing clung to Butler Wang's shoulder and refused to get off. Although Jing Xia always wanted to squeeze this little thing to death, every time he saw the happy smile on Butler Wang's face, he softened his heart and couldn't say anything or do anything.

  Later, the cruelty of the environment and the danger of the situation left him no time to worry about it.

  Since the four of them climbed the first mountain, he don't know whether the second mountain is more thrilling or whether the evolution of the outside world has entered an accelerated stage. Many plants in this mountain have begun to mutate to various degrees.

  For example, it should be a loosely growing coniferous pine. At this time, not to mention the trunk that is so thick that three people can hug it, even the thick round leaf with more than ten centimeters have exceeded the normal level. Jingxia has never been so lucky as at this moment that this evolution is selectively abandonment. Otherwise, let alone killing the enemy, they would have difficulty even in this coniferous pine forest.

  However, although evolution will choose to abandon it, in the future world, the physical fitness of almost everyone will be greatly improved. Even if one randomly pick one out of the evolutionary abandoners and place it before the end of the world, it will definitely be at the level of a national athlete.

  But now, in this journey full of difficulties and obstacles, whether it is Jing Xia, Ji Chuancheng, Qin Chu, or even Butler Wang, their physical fitness has improved to a higher level. Otherwise, during such a long journey, Butler Wang's body would be the first to fail. Whenever he thinks about this, Jingxia still have some luck.

  "Little bastard, do you want some water?"


  Qin Chu handed the kettle over, and Jingxia quickly took it, then took only two sips before sending it back. He looked at Butler Wang holding the little black dumpling's fleshy face over there, and the worry and fear in his eyes decrease a little.

  In the past half month, Butler Wang was still coughing non-stop, but... no other symptoms appeared. As the old man himself said, it was just a cold, nothing serious.

  Although Jing Xia couldn't deceive himself in his heart, he remembered that Butler Wang should have passed away not long before the end of the world. And until now, Butler Wang is still standing in front of him alive. Maybe... something really has changed.

  The heat of summer has disappeared a lot in September. Especially in the lush green trees and shaded mountains and forests, there are even cold winds blowing at night, and the temperature in the mountains drops sharply. Because the weather was hot and dry when he first left home, Jingxia only took a few thin shirts with him before going out. He didn't think about clothes at all, because after gaining an ability, the body functions of all evolvers improved too much, and they didn't respond much to temperature differences of dozens of degrees.

  But now, he has not evolved yet.

  Jing Xia rested his chin on his hand and looked at the crackling fire with his mouth pursed. Clusters of flames kept shooting upwards, burning and heating the surrounding air. He was wearing Ji Chuancheng's black shirt. Since it was one size too big, Jingxia had to roll up the cuffs.

  Thinking of this, Jingxia felt depressed.

  It's obviously only half a head taller, but this guy's figure is one size bigger than him! This guy looks quite thin with his clothes on, but when he takes them off, he still has eight-pack abs!

  With a cold snort from his nose, Jingxia threw the small wooden stick in his hand into the fire.

  "You are much taller than before." A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, as gentle as the night wind in the quiet valley, making Jingxia unable to react at once. "I remember that you used to be worried that you wouldn't grow taller."

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