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Well thanks for the one comment on the last chapter lol :) I actually like this story. I don't even know why. Anways, yeah. You should listen to Breathe Me by Sia, it's the inspiration for the title :) Also I have no idea if the twitter names are real or not, so don't bother them! :)


My worried and confused thoughts were put on hold when my cell phone rang. My hand blindly searched for the cellular device, knocking a few items on my nightstand off and onto the floor in the process. My hands finally found the device and unlocked it, answering the incoming call and putting it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I greeted, not knowing who it was as I didn't check caller ID.

"O-M-G!" a voice exclaimed loudly through the speakers. I winced and pulled the phone away from my ear. "HARRY STYLES IS FOLLOWING YOU ON TWITTER!" Again, she squealed loudly in my ear.

After she yelled, I put the phone back up to my ear and grinned. "Calm down, Charley!" I laughed out. Charley, also known as Charlotte, was my very own best friend. She was a huge fan of One Direction, unlike me. She was the one who forced me to listen to Little Things in the first place. "It's not that big of a deal!" I continued.

She gasped loudly. "Not. That. Big. Of. A. Deal?!" She squeaked out through clenched teeth. I winced, knowing what was coming. "IT'S A MAJOR EFFIN' DEAL! IT'S HARRY FREAKIN' STYLES! 1/5 OF ONE DIRECTION! And he's following you!" She stopped to catch her breath. "How did that even happen?! You're not even really much of a fan, you don't even follow him on twitter for God's sake! You didn't even tweet him, so how did he even find your account?!"

I took a deep breath. "That's sorta the thing, Char... I didn't tweet him... he just kinda asked for my twitter name and I gave it to him." I said vaguely.

"WHAT?!" she exclaimed.

"I met him at the park," I explained. "Something happened with my parents and I needed to get away so I ran and I ended up there and he was there. I didn't know who he was when we talked or when he told me his name. It just didn't register, I didn't know until a few minutes ago when he followed me on twitter!"

"Wow..." she breathed.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"I can't believe my best friend met Harry Styles. Like, I didn't even know they were in New York."

I nodded before realizing she couldn't see me. "Yeah."

"So you said something happened with your parents. Is everything okay?" she asked.

Tears started filling up in my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak when a little 'ding' sound from my laptop cut me off. "Um, tell you later?" I asked.

"That's fine! Later, Grace!" she said, hanging up.

I pressed the end call button, throwing my phone on my bed, and sat in front of my laptop, clicking to see my new mention.

"@Harry_Styles: Please be kind to my new friend, @iMustBeGrace. She's just that, a friend. Please respect that :-) xx"

I smiled, clicking the little star button, favoriting the tweet. I clicked Harry's username and watched as his profile loaded up. Wow, he sure had a lot of followers. I clicked the 'follow' button and clicked back onto my profile. I eyed my phone laying on my bed next to me and grabbed it, clicking the number 1 to dial my mom (she was on speed dial).

The phone rang for a while before I heard her voice come on. "Hey, you've reached Karen Lancaster. Apparently I can't come to the phone right now, obviously, so leave a message after the BEEP." I smiled at hearing her voice, waiting for the beep before leaving my message.

"Hey, mom, it's me. I just want you to know that I don't blame you at all for dad leaving. That was his own choice. But I think you staying at Grandma's for a while is wise, not because I want to have any parties or invite boys over!" I giggled. "I just think you should take some time to yourself for a little bit, you know? Anyways, I gotta go, love you mom." I quickly ended the call before I burst into tears.

I meant what I said in the message, but despite that I would still miss her. I can't believe my dad.

I looked back at my mentions on twitter, seeing a few girls from my school tweeted me, the meanest tweet being from the meanest girl at my school, Kay:

"@KayBabyy: @iMustBeGrace ew, why would harry follow you? your fat and ugly and every1 noes it. he prob feels sory for u"

Despite her horociously bad grammar, her words still hurt, and I felt a pang in my chest upon reading her words. I clicked on compose a new tweet and debated for a while on what to tweet my followers, before deciding on a line from my favorite poem ever, a spoken word poem by Shane Kyoczan:

"@iMustBeGrace: How do you stand your ground when everyone around you wants to bury you beneath it?"

I clicked send and almost immediately replies rolled in, some from girls hating on me, some from some friends from school, and one from Harry.

"@Harry_Styles: @iMustBeGrace be yourself. xx <3"

The little heart gave me a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I smiled at his tweet, favoriting it, and clicking on my settings. I decided to take his advice. I changed my username to @iMustBeElsie. If I was going to be myself I was going to have to use my real name, despite the fact that no one else may have liked it.

Suddenly my computer dinged again signalling a new Direct Message (DM) from Harry.

"@Harry_Styles: When can I see you again?"

I smiled and typed back, "Well hello to you too."

"hi" he replied. "Now when can I see you again?"

"Depends... when were you going to tell me you were in One Direction?" I questioned.

There was no response for a while, and I thought he wasn't going to reply. Just when I was about to log off, he responded, "I'll explain everything to you when I see you again. Are you free tomorrow?"

My heart started fluttering again for unknown reasons. I didn't know what to do. I really did want to see him again, and not just because he's Harry Styles, but because he was just Harry. I liked the way I could just talk to him. It didn't matter to me that he was famous. On the other hand, I've never been that strong, and I knew that I'd have to be to hang out with him, as his fans could be really hurtful. Nevertheless, despite all my doubt, I replied with one word.


Hope you enjoyed this! Please tell me what you think below, and vote or fan if you want! :) xx

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