Chapter 13 - Celebrations and End of Year

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(Harry's POV)

The basilisk had been defeated, the Chamber of Secrets found. Hogwarts would no longer be threatened by Salazar's mysterious monster. The Mandrakes were also being turned into potions, allowing everyone who was petrified to be returned to normal. Lockhart had been taken away to St Mungo's hospital after the memory spell backfired. I wish (Y/N) was there to see it, he'd have had something snarky but funny to say about the incident. I have no doubt he'll be celebrating it on the way home.

The big doors to the hall opened, Hermione stepping through them, now unpetrified. She spots Ron and I and runs towards us full speed. We hug her, thankful she was alive. "Wait, where's (Y/N)?" I ask, confused. "He's being cured now, turns out he was a bit dehydrated when he was petrified, which means they had to give it to him in smaller doses first," Hermione explains (Apologies if this isn't true, don't come after me if that fact's false, please). "Welcome back Hermione," Ron stutters out. Mcgonagall taps a spoon to her glass as Dumbledore stands. We sit back down as Dumbledore begins his speech.

"Before we begin our speech, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madam Pomphrey who's mandrake juice has been successfully administered to all who had been petrified," Dumbledore begins. Everyone instantly starts clapping and whooping loudly for the two who look proud and a little bashful at the praise. "Did I miss anything important," a familiar voice says behind me. I grin widely, turning around to see my brother sit beside me. We hug each other instantly, happy to be reunited with him. "So Harry managed to take down the monster and save a girl all by himself? Sounds like the hero saving the damsel in distress in a cheesy love story," (Y/N) instantly starts to tease me, after releasing me from the hug. "It was hard without you there," I state with a smile. He smiles widely in return and looks up as Dumbledore continues.

"Also, in light of recent events, all school exams have been cancelled," Dumbledore continues, prompting more cheers throughout the hall. Hermione was the only one disappointed but didn't comment much on it. Dumbledore sits back down, signifying the end of his speech. The doors of the hall burst open immediately after, a familiar large silhouette walking through. Hagrid walks through the doors proudly, looking over the sea of students he spots us. He apologises for being late but no one seems to care about that, except a select few from Slytherin. They all just rejoiced at having their Gatekeeper back. "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused, some ruddy bird called Erol," Hagrid continues, walking down the aisle towards us. Ron looks a bit embarrassed as a couple people laugh, knowing who the bird belongs to. "Isn't that your bird Ron," I hear (Y/N) beside me tease. "Oh shut up," Ron huffs out laughing slightly, it was good to have his sarcasm and teasing nature back. Fred ruffles his hair affectionately as (Y/N) whines softly, a light glare on his face. George merely laughs at the interaction, poking the male's nose as he tries to fix his hair slightly. They would be good together, I think, smiling at them.

Hagrid stops in front of us, looking directly at Ron who looks up at him with a smile. Hagrid thanks us in slight tears, no words could describe how grateful he was to be out of Azkaban. I get up, hugging Hagrid as the other three join. The whole hall cheers and some people join in on the hug. Hagrid has tears flowing down his face at the mass amount of support that's been given to him. We get back to the feast after catching up Hermione and (Y/N) on what they missed. (Y/N) laughed very loudly when he found out what happened to Lockhart, very happy that he's been put in his place. I notice Fred and George stare at my brother, awestruck, as he laughed hysterically, some other boys even joining in.


At the end of the year we shared a compartment with Fred and George, who spent most of the time teasing Ron and cuddling up to my brother subtly. Every time they moved closer Ron rolled his eyes and Hermione slightly smiled. Everyone but my brother was in on the secret it seemed, for now. Fred and George had expressed how they wanted to take it slow when it comes to courting him, not wanting to pressure him in any way or panic him. My brother didn't mind in the slightest, neither did Shadow which was very shocking considering the cat is a menace to most people. Shadow was contently curled up on (Y/N)'s lap.

Hermione was reading everything she had missed in the year, Ron was snoring slightly as he leaned against the window. Opposite us were Fred, George and (Y/N), the two boys sandwiching (Y/N) in between them as they cuddled and slept. (Y/N) had his head on Fred's shoulder, the latter leaning against the window as he slept while George rested his head on top of (Y/N)'s. They each had an arm wrapped around my brother, Fred's on his shoulder while George's was around his waist. I sighed, content, before leaning my head against the backrest, falling asleep with a soft smile on my face.

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