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"Unfortunately, our thoughts were correct," Ren said as they sat down.

Meanwhile, Kalin's friend flicked their hand and created a barrier, static filling the air. Ren signaled for a drink from one of the waiters. The waiter brought over a drink, placing it on a side table, before leaving. Ayra yawned, kicking her feet onto the top of the table.

"The Cruxn fish was Peshwen. The toxicity was low enough for consumption, but there would be side effects like those that we are seeing," Ren said while leaning back in their chair before taking a sip of their drink.

"The monsters had the same toxins at lethal doses, in addition to others that we have not seen in food," Kalin added, "The bar fish was Riffen, explaining why they haven't had the same issues."

Ren pulled out their notes, explaining everything in detail from what they'd seen. Ayra and Meyra explained what they saw earlier that day at Cruxn. As they did so, Ren put their belongings away as Kalin pursed his lips.

"I think we need to tail them. We don't know where rotting fish goes," Ayra said, to which everyone nodded.

Meyra looked back at the front desk. Signs were being hung about avoiding the forest. She turned back to the group.

"What are those signs about?" She asked.

"Shortly after you arrived Rendel made an announcement. We heard about it this morning," Kalin said while sipping his tea.

"We came back the same day, it takes longer than that by foot. How did they find out?" Meyra asked Ayra.

"A letter must have been sent here. The royal family didn't send it, so someone there must be in cahoots with someone here," Ayra said with a sigh.

"Any ideas of who it could be?" Ren asked.

"My guess would be Rendel so he could direct people to avoid the area," Kalin said.

He frowned, looking down at his reflection in the cup. Kalin looked at a painting on the wall of Rendel and Kalin outside the guild after renovations when he was young. He quietly sipped his tea as the others continued to chat. As the conversation simmered down, they agreed on a time to meet Weylyn.

Meyra went into town, splitting from Ayra and Kalin. She stopped outside a pharmacy, the bell clinking as she walked in. Meyra looked at the numerous ingredients lining the walls.

"Is there anything I can help you find?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Do you have any uncommon detoxifying ingredients?" They nodded, beckoning Meyra to follow them into the back of the shop.

There were various medicines in all forms lining the walls. In the corner, there was a small plate of herbs beside a candle. The shopkeeper closed the curtains behind the two and began to select items off the shelves.

The shopkeeper had a small golden pin in their hair, partially hidden behind their long ears. It was in the shape of a four-pointed star. In the middle of the room, there was a cushion. The shopkeeper beckoned for Meyra to sit as they grabbed the remaining items. The shopkeeper pulled a piece of cloth over their face, covering up to their eyes.

They lit the herb, and the smoke slowly filled the room. Meyra went to scratch her wing but was paralyzed. Her body went limp, falling onto another cushion. She looked up at the grinning shopkeeper before her vision was darkened by a cloth over her eyes.

Meyra was unable to open her eyes, suspended in a thick fluid. She breached the surface, the oil dripping off her hair and onto her wings. The surface of the fluid was black with a sheen of a multitude of colors streaked across it. With the mirrored surface, Meyra was able to see her face.

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