★chapter 2★

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★Back to the present★

Y/n is reading a book when she hears a knock on the door "come in" Y/n said paying attention to the book.

One of the Archangels Micheal entered the room. You don't have the best relationship with Michael, especially after what happened to Lucifer.
"Hey Y/n, I have to tell you that Sera wants you to go clean out some things at Lucifer's old house, his mess has been sitting there for years and we need to get rid of it..and Sera thinks you should do it" Micheal said while rolling his eyes.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, you have no choice..Sera wants it done by the evening"

Micheal left and Y/n put her book down and made her way to Lucifer's old house.

Already on the way there, you had a bad feeling that it wouldn't turn out well, but you tried not to pay attention to that feeling. When she got there she slowly opened the door.

The house was all dusty and dirty... no wonder no one had been there for a few years... First you cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen, there was nothing interesting there. Then it was time for the living room she slowly opened the door to the living room and saw a lot of paper with work and plans among them were small pictures of yellow ducks that Lucifer liked it made you smile.

And you continued to clean you remembered the days when you  spent every day with Lucifer. When the living room was perfectly cleaned it was time for his room it was the part you were most afraid of because Lucifer never let anyone in there.. You sighed and went in, there was a big mess there was one big broken window and torn curtains

There is a lot of paper and pictures on the bed. After you cleaned up the mess on the bed it was time for the closet...the closet looked very full.

She slowly pulled the door and thousands of rubber ducks poured out on you, each with a different design and some with a different skin color. You started laughing because you didn't know that Lucifer was hiding something like that..

You slowly cleared all the ducks and saw one under his bed when you bent down to take it you found a big black box there,  you pulled it out from under the bed and slowly opened it there was a letter and a small purple box with a red ribbon.

You put the box in your pocket and opened the letter the letter said

You put the box in your pocket and opened the letter the letter said

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★Time Skip★

The sun was already setting and you were sitting on the chairs and reading, you still had the box in your pocket. You read the chapter and changed into your pajamas and went to bed you were tired from all the cleaning



I apologize for the non-traditional wording of the letter, I was bored xD

505 words

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