★chapter 3★

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"what the fuck?" I said when Adam started knocking on my door at 5 in the morning Adam came into my apartment and sat on a chair not far from my bed where I was still sleepily sitting in my pajamas "Hey cunt I need your help" Adam said "And what do you think what's important is that you have a reason to wake me up at 5 in the fucking morning" I said pissed off Adam laughed and said "I want you to go down to hell and bring me that bitch Vaggie"

"I don't see one reason why should i" I rolled my eyes "Vaggie is dating Lucifer's brat so there's a good chance you'd see him" My eyes filled with joy because there was a chance to see Luci "But.." Adam said "If you don't bring Vaggie to me by the end of the year I'll tell Sera to let you rot in hell forever" I sighed as what he said wasn't the best news "If you don't screw it up, Sera won't know that you're carrying stolen things from Lucifer's house in your pockets" I was scared "how do you know about it?" I said and looked at the small purple box "I have my funds now do we have a deal or not" "fine we do" I said and grabbed Adam's hand he just grinned and out of nowhere I was sitting in the alley of hell

"What the fuck?"

After looking around for a while, I finally decided to come out of the alley, my demon form wasn't that bad,

I had wolf ears and a tail and small horns.

On the hill, far from everything, there was a building with a huge sign "Hazbin Hotel", somehow I was not attracted to go there, so I decided to walk around the city.

After a while I ran into a girl. She is beautiful with purple hair and black lipstick and has a good style of dressing.

"wow girl you have taste" she said

"Thank you?" I answered quite uncertainly

"hey, I know you don't know me, but don't you want to go home with me? I have two friends who, from my point of view, would like to meet you"

when she said that, it was clear to me that it wouldn't just be like that, but they might know where Vaggie is

The girl led me to a huge tower with three V's on top.

When we reached the top floor, I was greeted by a strange smell, but that was the least bit strange. "Wait here" The girl said and went into the next room.

After about 10 minutes she came back but there were two demons next to her.

One tall something like a moth? he had red glasses in the shape of a heart and overall a very heart outfit between that girl and that demon became one more he literally had a television instead of his head and honestly for a moment we couldn't believe our eyes, he was in almost all blue outfit but they didn't look dangerous.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Vox, over there is Val, and I'm sure you already know Velvet" Vox said I smiled "nice to meet you too"

Vox smiled and took my hand and dragged me to some room with lots of chairs he indicated that I should sit down and he sat down opposite me

"tell me what are you doing here? how did you get here"

I couldn't tell him the truth after all if I said I was an angel and I was looking for Vaggie he probably wouldn't be thrilled

"well..I'm new here I died of... suicide yes suicide"

now just pray he believed me

"well then fizzy over there" Vox pointed to some robot that looked like a clown "he will take you to your room tomorrow be here at 8" I smiled and followed the robot

my room was beautiful it was purple with a big window and nice decorations but I knew I couldn't stay here forever

I got up and wanted to go out the door but it was locked how unexpected when I looked out of the window it dawned on me that I wouldn't jump without killing myself a second time but luck was on my side and there was no one outside

, I quickly spread my wings and flew down I then quickly hid them again and went looking for Vaggie

but the problem was I didn't know where to start, it's huge here and slowly I don't even know what a vaggie looks like anymore

I was walking through the streets of hell when I accidentally bumped into some demon

"shit i'm so sorry"

when I looked at this demon I was honestly scared It was a red and black demon I think was about 2 meters tall and had a huge evil smile

"But it's okay dear what is a soul like that doing here?"

he was a strange demon he had a voice like some old radio

Sorry its short <3 the next chapter will be longer i promise

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