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A cool breeze swept across the camp, brushing past the war-torn dens and sending bits of fur afloat. Pebbleclaw, a white and black tom, shivered, his fur standing up along his back. He stood amongst his clanmates, an uneasy hope echoing from cat to kit to elder.

“I wonder what StarClan will say,” Riverflower said aloud, voicing everyone's fears. “We've broken so many codes.”

“Have faith, young one.” Laurelnose brushed her nose against the younger she-cat's shoulder, “StarClan knows why we did it, what we've been through.”

A sudden sound made Pebbleclaw jump, and he turned to stare at the entrance. He could hear paws shuffling, and the sweet scent of the she-cat he loved wafted unto the camp. His ears pinned back nervously.

Two cats stepped into the camp, one leaning heavily on the other. Starlingflight, the old Medicine Cat, looked as exhausted as he always did. But Pebbleclaw's gaze quickly moved past him to the second cat. Acornfur. Her chestnut brown fur shone with health, hinting at the strong muscles underneath. She padded through the crowd, Her sharp amber eyes confident.

With a fluid leap she was on the stump in the clearing's center, a crude reminder of the tree that was once there. “I have spoken with StarClan and received my nine lives, along with my Leader name Acornstar.”

A ripple of confusion swept through the crowd. Pebbleclaw felt his heart grow warm. He was sure there was no cat more ideal for Leader as Acornfur- Acornstar.

“But what about Boulderstar! He has his nine lives - is he dead?” A she-cat named Larktail called.

Acornstar’s back straightened even more. “It is true Bouldrrstar has his nine lives. He will lead his clan for all of them. But we will never bow to his will again. We are no longer a fragmented peace of CrowClan - we have a new name and a new leader. The Clan Of Tall Trees!”

The confusion of the cats quickly faded into shouts of joy, Pebbleclaw leading the chant. “Tall Trees, Tall Trees!”

“A cat would think your eyes are glued to her.” a voice teased.

Pebbleclaw jumped, his ears turning pink. “I-I…”

Windfur, the cat who'd spoken, purred with amusement. “You would make a strong pair.”

Pebbleclaw glanced back at her, his heart racing. Would we?


“Windfur! Could you organize some patrols?”

Pebbleclaw glanced up at Acornstar's meow. He hadn't seen her much since she'd become Leader, but his heart gave a familiar jolt when he saw her.

“Why don't you go, Acornstar?” Windfur asked in between licks of his paw.

“Me?” Acornstar's eyes immediately clouded with worry, “but I have so much to do, to plan…”

“Exactly why I think you should go hunting. Take a break.” Windfur rested his tail on Acornstar's shoulder, “and who to send with you… Oh! How about Pebbleclaw.”

Pebbleclaw jumped as Windfur’s pale green eyes landed on him. “Me?”

“I can't think of anyone better.” Windfur meowed, a touch of amusement in his voice.

As Pebbleclaw and Acornstar walked out side by side, he silently thanked the deputy. They were silent for a while, simply breathing in the sweet scents of the forest.

Acornstar kept glancing back at the camp worriedly, and Pebbleclaw finally found the courage to say something. “What's wrong?”

Acornstar sighed, pausing in her steps to look at her paws. “It's just - well no, I'm fine, It's just…” she swept her tail widely, “everything.”

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