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Honeykit stirred awake as her mother nudged her gently. Honeykit blinked slowly, her new eyes still unused to even the dim light of the Nursery. Her mother's tongue rasped of her fur, nudging her forwards again. Honeykit opened her mouth in a yawn.

“Mama?” Her brother meowed next to her, his voice soft and small.

“Go back to sleep, little one.” Mother murmured, before the warmth was suddenly gone.

Honeykit turned with a startled cry. “Mama?”

“I'm sorry, but I have to attend the gathering.” Mother meowed, sparring one last lick for each of them.

“Mama! Mama!” Elmkit cried, his small legs attempting to stand.

Honeykit crawled over to him, her instincts telling her she needed warmth. Now that Mother was gone she felt weak and helpless. Her stomach grumbled underneath her soft belly fur.

“Mama?” Emlkit still mewed.

Honeykit was still young, too young to even walk, but she still pressed closer to Elmkit. Not as an instinct, but only because she didn't like to see him sad.

Elmkit licked her ear, burrowing his dark brown head underneath her black and white one. They lay there, shivering and hungry, until finally Honeykit felt warmth near her again.

Honeykit raised her head, blinking open her golden amber eyes. But it wasn't mother who stood above her, but a different she-cat. She smelled different than mother, yet milk scent floated from her. Honeykit arched her back in fear, trying to block Elmkit with her small body.

“Aren't you a brave little warrior?” The queen asked, and purr rumbling in her throat. “Don't worry, I won't hurt your brother, little one.” She blinked her blue eyes slowly, the motion relaxing Honeykit slightly.

“Mama?” Elmkit called, his mew confused. Honeykit was confused as well. Where was Mother? Why wasn't she protecting them?

The she-cat with the soft gaze leaned down and pucked Honeykit up by her scruff, and Honeykit immediately went limp. She watched Elmkit move further away as the queen carried her, until it was too blurry to see him anymore.

Honeykit was set down gently, landing on another squirming kit. “Elm?” she squealed, nosing her way around him, but the scent was unfamiliar. The other kit was a dusty brown color, and only shifted slightly at the disturbance. Honeykit squealed in alarm. Where was Elmkit? Where was Mother?

Just as Honeykit opened her mouth to call for her mother again, Elmkit was set beside her. Honeykit and Elmkit burrowed into each other in relief, her anxiety subsiding.

The queen's tongue rasped over them both. “It will okay, little ones. I just couldn't stand hearing your cries.” The queen settled back down, causing a chorus of grateful cries from the unfamiliar kits around them. Honeykit and Elmkit remained where they were, Honeykit determined not to lose sight of him again.

The queen's purr began to relax Honeykit, and her eyes dropped again, tired from the short ordeal. She nuzzled closer to Elmkit, and her breathing began to even. Her amber eyes closed in sleep.


It was another week before Honeykit and Elmkit were old enough to begin tottering around Mother, kept in line with her watchful eye. Honeykit placed one paw in front of the other determined not to fall.

“Honey! Wait up!” Elmkit called, tottering after her.

Honeykit glanced backwards, but quickly realized her mistake. The movement made her lose her concentration, and she fell forward, rolling onto her belly. Elmkit murrowed in amusement seconds before tripping over his own paws. He rolled over to her, sneezing with laughter.

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