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 "Special Grade Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Rika Orimoto, was fully manifested within 422 seconds. We entrusted Okkotsu to you just to prevent this sort of thing." Tamayori heard the higher-ups complain to Satoru. "There is no room for excuses, Satoru Gojo."

"I wasn't going to make any excuses," Satoru confessed, scratching the back of his head.

"How can you joke about this?!" Another higher-up shouted.

"The man clearly knows what he is doing, let's just allow him to do his thing," a warm voice spoke through the dark room towards the other higher-ups.

"Is that favoritism I sense, Takahashi-sama?"

"It's not about favoritism. I believe that the kid has the potential to be a great sorcerer like Satoru said. Let him have a try."

"If Rika Orimoto lost control, it could have wiped out the entire town!" Someone complained.

"I would have risked his life to stop it. Listen," Satoru started, "there is only one thing we are sure about that curse: Unknown. How could a little girl who was not from a family of past jujutsu sorcerers, become such an immense curse? We can't control something we don't understand. So, it will take trial and error. Just stay out of it." Satoru told the higher-ups as he grabbed Tamayori's hand from her sitting position and walked out the room with her by his side.

"Don't forget that Okkotsu's secret execution was only suspended." Another voice, this time a cold one, sounded through the dark room, making the pair freeze in their steps.

"And don't you forget," Satoru paused, turning slightly around, his eyes dead serious as he stared at the higher-ups, "if it comes to that, I will side with Okkotsu."

Tamayori subtly tugged at Satoru's shirt, noticing that the tension would probably set off the man more than necessary. The male said nothing and went with her silent plea, guiding her out of the dark room.

"Christ. Rude geezers." Satoru sighed tiredly, taking off his glasses and putting on his bandages. "I don't want to become someone like them. I will have to be careful."

"You are always testing their patience, Satoru," Tamayori said, lifting her long dress to walk down the stairs, "I sometimes worry about it."

"Yori-chan, my love, don't worry. As long as you are with me, I will always be tolerant towards those geezers."

"That's not what I meant, I can only do little to help you with your ideas. They might respect me, but it's all because of grandpa. I honestly think that one day, your bold actions will bring many consequences in the future, and I don't really think they'll be pleasant ones."

"It's going to be alright." Satoru patted her head as they paused to look at the first-years who were running on the field. "Your grandfather did tell me that I have all his support, especially after what happened ten years ago. He doesn't want to see any other kid suffer like you did. After all, no one is allowed to take youth away from young people."

"Maki, Toge, last lap!" The pair heard Panda shout as Yuta sped up his pace.

"No one is," Tamayori agreed, smiling softly at the sight. "Oh! Right, I have to visit Megumi-kun today."

"Are you dumping me again, this time on our date?" Satoru gaped.

"You are so silly," Tamayori pinched the man's nose, "you are going to show Yuta-kun the cursed tools, aren't you?"

"But with you by my side it is always better!" Satoru whined.

"Don't be such a whiny kid, Satoru, you are almost reaching your thirties." Tamayori pulled his cheek.

"Aww~" Satoru pouted.

"I see you at home," Tamayori reached her hand to pat the man's cheek before walking away from him.



"Megumi-kun, it is nice to see that you are doing well." Tamayori nodded her head at the sight of Satoru's ward.

"You look well too. Sensei is not here with you today? He is usually hanging around with you."

"Not today, I have to apologize for that. He is busy with his other students. I came to see how you are doing with school?"

The serious boy looked away from the woman and muttered something under his breath that reached Tamayori's ears. The woman chuckled at the childish retort of the middle schooler.

"That bad, huh? You shouldn't be beating others around just because they are delinquents, Megumi-kun. I believe Tsumiki-chan already warned you about it."

At the mention of his sister's name the boy's face dropped, feeling guilty once again about not behaving at school.

"I'm sorry."

"I am not the one who you should be sorry for. Do better in school, make your sister proud. I am sure that this is what she wants."

Megumi grunted in response and Tamayori gave him a soft smile.

"With that settled, let's make something to eat! You must be hungry."

Megumi sighed but followed her nonetheless. She was the one who always fed him, different from a certain white-haired sorcerer who always put him in danger by taking him to missions.

Abrigo (Satoru Gojo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now