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"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful." Suguru muttered as he managed to somehow survive Yuta's attack. He had fought the young first-year after knocking all of his classmates and Tamayori. The boy had no mercy and had taken the man down, after giving himself to his first love.

"Truly the power to change the world. If I had Rika, there would be no need to sneak around gathering curses. Next time... Next time. I will obtain her." Suguru leaned on the wall, clearly weak and vulnerable to the sorcerer before him. "You're late, Satoru. I didn't expect I would lose to you. Is my family safe?"

"Every one of them managed to escape." Satoru told his former friend. "The ones in Kyoto were your orders too?"

"Yeah. Unlike you, I am a kind man. You sent those two to let me defeat them and set Okkotsu off, right?"

"I trusted you. A man with principles like you wouldn't kill young sorcerers without a reason."

"Trust?" Suguru smirked softly, memories of his youth and his adventure with Satoru flooded his mind. "I didn't think I still had any of that left. Return this for me, will you?"

Satoru easily caught a student ID card thrown at him, "Was the elementary school your doing too?"


"I can't believe it. Do you have any last words?"

"No matter what others say, I hate those monkeys." Suguru said, referring to the non-sorcerers. "But I never held any hatred for those in Jujutsu High School. I just couldn't wear a heartfelt smile in this world. Also, sorry about Yori-chan. She might be very different after this episode. Take care of her for me will you?"

"Suguru..." Satoru called.

The said man turned in his friend who approached him slowly. Satoru opened his mouth and words left his lips like a soft and tender whisper, reaching Suguru's ear making his eyes widen.

"At least hit me with some curses at my end." Suguru chuckled weakly, accepting his fate.

With one last look at his best friend, Satoru wasted no time killing the man he had once considered a brother.


"Tamayori hasn't said anything after waking up?" Satoru asked Shoko who closed the door after checking up on Tamayori.

"Nothing. She simply stares off at the window with a blank look. She suffered a lot of broken bones, and she is somehow traumatized from what happened. I don't think she will be opening up so soon. Well, with you that might be a different story."

Satoru said nothing but stared ahead.

"It's going to be tough for her. I'm surprised that she hasn't even gone berserk like last time. She is suppressing her emotions. Geto is dead, isn't he?" Shoko leaned on the wall.

"Yeah." Satoru sighed tiredly, thinking about all the paperwork he would have to do after everything was sorted out. "What a pain..."

"She won't be able to walk for a while after what Geto did to her body. You should go in to check on her."

"I will, thanks. Good work today, Shoko."

"Don't thank me. I am honestly very busy now," Shoko waved off, "call me if anything else happens."

"Will do." Satoru waved.

Once Shoko was out of sight, Satoru let out a tired sigh before opening the door and entering the room. Just as Shoko had told him, Tamayori simply sat on the hospital bed, in her hospital gown, staring out at the window with an emotionless face. The light in her eyes was gone, her face pale.

"Shoko said you won't be walking for a while. I'll make sure that Ijichi takes extra care of you." Satoru smirked as he walked into the room. "On the bright side, you won't be taking any missions! I honestly-"

"He's dead... isn't he?" Tamayori whispered quietly, interrupting Satoru. The man stuffed his hands in his pockets, and sighed. He noticed that some of the flowers that the first-years had brought her, withered as if telling him a pinch of the pain that Tamayori was going through. Yet the woman still stared out the window with an absent minded look, not truly showing her emotions, keeping them in control.

"Are you mad?"

Tamayori shook her head, still looking at the outside.

"Are you alright?"

"You're the one asking? You're the one who almost died today."

"He's your best friend."

"So are you." Satoru sat on the bed, gently taking her hand in his, making the woman look back at him. He had yet to put his blindfold on, but she didn't mind. She just wanted to see all of him now.

"You killed him."

"I know."

"I'm never going to see him again." Tamayori whispered, tears flooding down her face. "You... I thought you couldn't..."

"I thought so too. But I can't let what happened today happen again."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep, Satoru."

"I will do anything to keep you safe, to see you happy, to see you alive and healthy. Anything. Even if it means to not see him smile like before. Who said I can't keep my promise? I am the strongest after all."

"Being the strongest does not make you invincible. I know you, Satoru." Tamayori placed her hand on his chest, "Despite saying that you were protecting me, you are still hurting."

"I can cope. I am fine."

"Sometimes even the strongest need a shoulder to lean on." Tamayori whispered, leaning her forehead against his, "Don't carry it all by yourself, Satoru."

The man let out a shaky breath, leaning on the woman's shoulders, letting his tears fall. Tamayori gently placed her hands on his back, stroking it softly as she also let a few tears slip. Both took their time to mourn for the dear friend that was no more.

"Perhaps you are right, Satoru." Tamayori said quietly after a while. "There is no curse more twisted than love," as soon the words sounded past her lips, snow began to fall. It was going to be a very cold winter this year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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