Chapter 3

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(This chapter is very short and probably seems pointless but it was part of the next chapter, and i broke it up because it was too long-winded. Also, the story may seem slow, but I promise it will pick up after here!) --

“GOOD JOB KOZUME-SENPAI” The excitable voice of Hinata ringed in Minato's ear as he hit the ball across the net and it pummeled to the floor. 

It was just a practice scrimmage against their own teammates so why the orange spiky hair boy was so excited, was beyond Minato. It had been only two weeks since he joined and by his own surprise he showed up every day. For the most part it wasn't like he had a choice, his good ol mentor made sure he was there. 

Minato was actually surprised at some of the talent on the team, especially the two first years who seemingly had some kind of bond even though they acted like they hated each other's guts. He knew of Tobio Kageyama from hearing his name get thrown around when people would talk about the junior high teams of the region, and when they had tournaments. Kageyama was nicknamed the king of court And despite his cocky attitude and arrogant air, there was a time multiple schools wanted him. Shouyou Hinata however he had never heard of, but the way he basically flew in the air in a way Minato had never seen, he knew that short and annoying boy was going to go somewhere. 

The two also held something that Minato did not, and it was pure love for the game. When they talked about Volleyball their eyes would shine in a way that reminded him of his brother and it made him sick. Especially Kageyama. The boy reminded him in more than one way of Riku. Not only did the first year have black hair nearly the same style of Minato's late brother, his Blue eyes, his height, and his face shape all looked similar. If you told someone Kageyama and Minato were related they'd believe it, and it made Minato sick. But not only did he look like him, his unwavering and sickening obsession with volleyball and being the best, screamed Riku. 

The team had acquired another coach, one that seemed to know what they were talking about. Even got a few of their regular players to come back to them. There was some drama involving the feisty libero and their mellow Ace But Minato didn't bother to find out what that drama was. Actually he was kinda glad when the tall, nearly adult looking teenager walked in the gym, Minato wanted to play the least amount of volleyball as he could. 

However during practice he never got away with that, and today was no different. They were split off into teams to do quick matches to see how they work in a team with various members. Coach Ukai said that it would be a good exercise to see where they lack and where they shine when it comes to teamwork. It was obvious who worked well together so he wanted to see what happens when they are paired with others. 

Minato was paired with Hinata, Sugawara and Tsukishima. The team they were going up against was Kageyama, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi and the captain. Minato thought it was weird pairing honestly, like how was 4v4 going to show you anything except Kageyama's intense glares the entire time. But the silly practice scrimmage came to an end, Minato's team winning by three points. 

“WOW KOZUME-SENPAI YOU ACTUALLY CAN PLAY WELL.” Hinata said, his voice was always ten levels higher than the boy was aware of. Minato gave him a sharp glare as he took a sip from his water bottle. 

“What the hell is supposed to mean, I know how to play volleyball.”  Minato snapped back, Hinata immediately putting his arms up in defense, thrashing them around like a fish out of water. 

“OH -I didn't mean anything bad, it's just like you usually act like you don't care at all..but your serves are so smooth and your setting is too and your blocking and your..”  As the boy rambled, praising his volleyball skills Minato rolled his eyes, stepping over and putting his hand on top of the others messy orange hair.

“Let me stop you there. You don't have to complement me, I don't take it as one. You see, as soon as I could walk my father made sure I was learning volleyball. It's kinda like breathing to me, something I instinctively know how to do. That's all it is to me.” He said dryly as his hand ruffled the orange hair under it before retracting. 

Hinata's golden eyes looked up at him as he patted the boy's head, his face in a small frown. “I don't understand why you don't like it, your soooo great Kozume-Sensei '' The boy whined. 

“Why does it matter to you Hinata? I'm here to get through the year, that's all.” 

“It matters to me because you're so talented. If there is a reason you don't enjoy it, maybe we can find a reason for you to enjoy it!” The first year's frown turned into a determined smile as he pumped his fist in the year. 

Minato always found Hinata's Stubbornness and relentlessness annoying, but his innocent presence and view on the world made it somewhat bearable. Sometimes he wished he could be so naive like him and the others on the team, with no idea of what pain and agony felt. Not a care in the world but school and volleyball, it must be nice he thought. 


As Minato replied, Hinata's eyes narrowed, his head tilting to the side, his gaze searching the others face as if he was looking for some kind of answer in Minato's alway cold and aloof face. 

“Fine, but I still believe if you found the right thing, your opinion would change Kozume-Sensei.” Hinata gave him a sincere smile, one that lit up his whole face like sunshine. Minato was taken back for a second, how can one person be so damn innocent and naive. How adorable. 

Hinata began to walk away before turning around, addressing the One who was standing there drinking from his water bottle. 

“Maybe someday we can practice together, just you and I. Who knows, maybe I can help you find what you're missing.” The first year said, his words so sincere and nearly sweet, the smile on his face saying the same. 

“Uh..i don't know…maybe....” Minato mumbled before the boy skipped away leaving him there confused. 

Hinata, just like everyone else here, had no reason to even try to care. So why was Hinata doing it? Why was Sugawara doing it? Even the captain did it. Minato couldn't wrap his head around it and as he got lost in his thoughts he felt as if someone was staring. Turning around he was met with the icy intense glare of Kageyama. 

Minato knew at least that guy wouldn't care. 

Next semester // Haikyuu angst // Male OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now