Chapter 4- The past always finds a way

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Minato was in the club room, grabbing his stuff and taking off his sweaty gym shirt to put on a clean one. He was still thinking about the conversation he had with Hinata, not even an hour ago. Why in the world was that first year so concerned if he liked volleyball or not? It's not like anything any of the team members could say to Minato would change his views on the sport. It wouldn't make his brother less dead, or the expectations of his father go away.

Everyone else had already left except for him, Sugawara and Kageyama. The first year was standing around awkwardly, repeatedly looking through his bag and darting his intense stare at Minato. It was almost like the kid wanted to talk to him but before he could say something, a mess of sweaty gray hair and hazel eyes clouded his view, Sugawara bending in front of him and beaming up towards him with his gentle soft smile. His face was so close to Minatos and out of absolutely nowhere that it startled him, his face breaking out in the lightest shade of pink.

“You have been sulking for so long, Minato. I'm starting to think we will be here all night.” Sugawara said, grinning his usual bright smile that Minato liked so much that he found himself staring for a moment, his eyes landing on the boy's mole. Cute, he thought, as Sugawara's hand smacked him up against the head.

“What the hell was that for?” Minato shouted, putting his hand where he was slapped, moving his face away from the one that was peering into his.

“You were zoning out and not listening to me. I was just getting your attention.”  The gray-haired boy said, standing up and running his hand through his still sweaty hair.

“ I want to lock up and go home, and I can't until everyone is out of the club room. Are you about ready?”

Minato cleared his throat, putting his dirty shirt in his bag before zipping it and lazily throwing the strap of his backpack over his shoulder before standing up.

“Yeah I'm ready” He mumbled, walking towards Sugawara, who was staring at the first year, whose glare was still glued on Minato.

“I'm locking up Kageyama-kun. It's time to go.” Suga said, his eyes searching the guy in curiosity.

“Okay..” Kageyama mumbled, the other two turning towards the exit before his serious voice called out.

“Actually, Sugawara-San, I want to talk to Kozume-San…alone if I can.” He said, his eyes in his normal glare but a hint of desperation as he looked at the co captain, his face nearly begging.

“You want to talk to Minato?” Sugawara questioned, turning his attention to the guy who stood next to him. Minato was looking at the first year, confused as to why in the hell he wanted to talk. And why was he being so weird?

“Yes..please? I'll lock up after I swear…Please Kozume, I need to talk to you.” Kageyama said deprestally, his eyes now locked with Minato's, whose baby blues were narrowed deep, trying to figure out what the kid was playing at.

“Why do you want to talk to me, and why can't you just say whatever it is you want right now?” Minato spat out, a slight annoyance in his voice.

He was annoyed to be fair. He didn't really like Kageyama. It wasn't because He looked like his brother or even reminded him of his brother. But the boys' unwavering arrogance and pride bothered him.

“Just give me ten minutes, please,”

Kageyama said quickly, bowing deeply towards his two upperclassmen. Sugawara let out a small sigh before turning his head towards Minato, his hand reaching into his pocket.

“Wouldn't kill you to hear the boy out, would it?” He asked Minato, his head tilted to the side.

Minato didn't answer, just scowled at his mentor before the other grabbed his hand and placed a small keyring that  held a single silver key.

Next semester // Haikyuu angst // Male OC InsertWhere stories live. Discover now