☆゚.*・。゚ To be in your arms (Kazuha)

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note!: takes place in modern AU

it was late. it was almost 2am. you were waiting for your darling kazuha to get back from work. delivered messages could be seen on
your phone screen. you haven't got any messages from kazuha since he went to work. you were beyond worried at this point. he
keeps coming home late. he said it's just because he has so many works to do. but can't he atleast spare some seconds to message
you that he'll come home late?

questions filled your mind. "what if he's cheating on me?", "what if he's on someone's house?", "what if he's leaving me?" but knowing kazuha for many, many years, he won't possibly do that. just as you were thinking, the door handle made a sound and it opened the door. revealing a tired kazuha. "kazuha where have you been!? i've been worried sick about you! why didn't you check my messages!?" you rushed to hug kazuha but he pushed back. you were hurt, but you tried to understand what he's feeling.

"y/n please, i'm tired. everyone is tired and don't expect me to have all my time for you.. you know i need to do something else right?" he asked with a cold tone. "well- you couldn't just leave me hanging around! can't you atleast spare a minute!? i called you multiple times! and still no answer! you know what time it is kaz!? its past zam now! what in the world were you doing!?" you couldn't hold your patience anymore. your tone was a lot higher than usual. you were worried sick for him. "i told you i was at work y/n. please, i don't want to talk about anything right now. just let me sleep." he rushed to go to your shared bedroom, basically ignoring you.

"oh kazuha! answer me! you always say that everytime i tried to talk to you about this! you know i can't just live like this, right!?" some minutes passed and your argument went heated. you both were shouting at eachother, not noticing the hurtful words you've told eachother. you never seen kazuha like this before. you didn't even feel a sense familiarity at him, you could barely notice that
it's him.

"oh well if you're so mad at me, maybe i should have just leave you waiting for me. I SHOULDN'T HAVE COME BACK!" he shouted at your face, you were in disbelief when he said that. he's not kazuha. tears were at the edge of your eyes. your breath was shaky and you feel like crying. you tried your best to stay strong in front of him. "i-i'm sorry." you quickly leave the living room and head towards the bathroom, where you could cry quietly.

kazuha, who has just noticed what he said, regretted everything. "w-wait y/n! i-i didn't mean to-" he tried walking to you but a part of h8m told him to leave you alone. so he stopped doing whatever he was doing. his brain could only repeat the hurtful words he said to you. your mission to cry in the bathroom was a success. you ignored kazuha who's waiting for you in front of the door. "y/n please just come out. i could hear you sniffling..." you could tell in his tone, he regretted everything he said. his tone was soft and sweet, but you couldn't forget about the hurtful words and cold tone he was using before. you didn't want to deal with anything else. but you just feel like you need comfort from someone, and that someone is kazuha. well, what can you say? he's been doing this for weeks. ofcourse you missed his touch.

after some more minutes and by kazuha waiting patiently, you finally got out of the bathroom. but when you look at him, tears immediately flew out of your eyes. "hey, hey, shhh i'm here... please don't worry. i-i didn't mean what i said..." he oulled you into a hug and wipe the tears thats falling right on your cheek. you melt in his embrace as cried on his chest. he could feel his shirt having a wet patch but he did not worry about anything besides you. "i-i'm sorry im a burden!" you cried once more. "shhh.. you're not a burden y/n. infact, you're the opposite... you're a motivation for me. i-i know i hurt you with the words i said.. but i promise you, i was just stressed. those words, they meant nothing at all. please forgive me, my love." he looked right into your eyes while holding your cheek. you could see in his eyes, he's really telling the truth.

"i-i was working hard so... so we could go to tokyo... just like you wanted." hearing this made your heart flutter. your eyes turned from teary to sparkly. all of this was just a misunderstanding. "i- oh kazuha... you're too much for me.. but... i can't help but always think about the words you said. a-and someone better than me being with you. m-maybe- i... maybe you should-" before you could finish that sentence, kazuha pulled you into a passionate kiss. "oh love, don't ever say that.. you're the best for me. we're made for eachother. and- please don't ever think about it again. don't ever think about something like that. i'm sorry i said those hurtful words to you. but i promise, i didn't mean any of those! ¡ love you till the end, death can't even do us apart..." hearing that makes your heart flutter even more. you knew kazuha could be the only one who can melt your heart.

"i-i was working hard so... so we could go to tokyo... just like you wanted." hearing this made your heart flutter. your eyes turned from teary to sparkly. all of this was just a misunderstanding. "i- oh kazuha... you're too much for me.. but... i can't help but always think about the words you said. a-and someone better than me being with you. m-maybe- i... maybe you should-" before you could finish that sentence, kazuha pulled you into a passionate kiss. "oh love, don't ever say that.. you're the best for me. we're made for
eachother. and- please don't ever think about it again. don't ever think about something like that. i'm sorry i said those hurtful words to you.. but i promise, i didn't mean any of those! ¡ love you till the end, death can't even do us apart..." hearing that makes your heart flutter even more. you knew kazuha could be the only one who can melt your heart.

"im truly sorry.. please forgive me?" kazuha begged you with a soft tone. even his eyes were pleading you to forgive him. you chuckle and replied "okay i forgive you kazu.. just on one condition..." he looked at you with curiosity and hummed a curious tone. "don't come home so late again and cuddle me before bed for 5 months!" you asked excitedly. "i would love to do that for you love" he kissed your cheek, then nose, then forhead. "and promise me you won't think of something bad about us again, okay?"
"okay kazu. i love you" you replied and he kissed your lips. you both melt into the kiss, eyes closed with your lips moving in sync.

in the end, that night (or morning) ended up with kazuha being the big spoon as you were sleeping on his chest.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡

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