Chapter 5

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"And you said he's 13?" The cop droned, looking up at Darry.

Darry nodded then paused. "No, sorry, his birthday was a couple days ago. He's 14 now."

The cop made a show of crossing out something he had just written then writing something else on his notepad.


"Last I saw him was in the evening. I was going out with my girlfriend, my buddy—"

"And what is her name?"

"Her name?" Soda repeated. "Sandy."

Soda continued, quite confused. "Anywho, I was going out with her, my buddy Steve—Randle, and his girlfriend, Evie."


"What's your relation to the missing?"

"Um, neighbor? And friend," Nova told the cop in front of her.

"Is that a question or an answer?"

"An answer," Nova said more firmly. "We're all like family and live within the same neighborhood. So, I—"

"That's fine." The cop waved his hand. "And what's your relationship with the deceased?"


"The sooner you cough up some information, the sooner we'll let you back to your street," the cop said, standing loomingly over Dally.

Dally looked straight forward into the two-way mirror. His face showed no emotions despite the two men who stood at each of his sides.

"Listen, man, I told you. I'm not in on this."

"You respect us boy, or I'll give you another broken rib," one of the cops growled into his ear.


"You doin' okay?" Raf looked down at Nova who was organizing bundles of roofing.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?" He grabbed a water bottle then started to down it.

"Yeah, I just feel bad. I tried to help but this is..." Nova shook her head.

"Yeah," Raf exhaled heavily. "I'm just glad to work. I feel like it keeps me on the straight and narrow, ya know?"

Nova nodded. "I don't know how you do it. I mean you work just as much as everybody else and yet here you are ready to work double time to let Darry be off."

"Hey, man, I'm no saint. The Curtis family has been there for me when my own family hasn't been. I mean shit, I'm part of the same crew as you and him," Raf laughed.

Nova nodded. "I just can't imagine that Pony and Johnny would get involved in...this."

Raf nodded. "I know nothin' about nothin' but I feel like at this point I know these kids. Shit, I know our group. I hope so anyway."

Nova glanced up at him then looked back down as he simply walked away.


Roz whistled over to Steve. "You got yourself an oil change, boy."

Steve retrieved his arms from the hood of a car and nearly skipped over to Roz with glee.

"You remember what oil this one takes?"

Roz nodded proudly.

"Alright, go get it. And get the stopwatch!"

Roz laughed then walked off, not trying to hide the limp she's developed, relying on a mop to get around quicker.

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