Ch. 1 "Meeting"

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(Adams POV)

Soft...but prickly at the same time...I open my eyes to a bright light. It hurts to look at it. I sat up, noticing the soft, yet prickly strands of green I was laying on. Everything is so... vibrant. I run my hands over the blades sticking out of the ground. My hand stumbled upon a bud of beautiful red. I try to touch the green part and I'm met with a weird sensation I did not like. I would later find out that it is called pain. I let my hands wander around. The being that looked like me, but with long blonde hair, hasn't woken up yet. I sit there admiring the blades when I hear a beautiful voice.

"W-where am I? Who are you?" The being looks at me with beautiful eyes the color of the sky above us. "Who am I?"

I stare for a moment.

"I-I don't know either." Suddenly a soft but firm voice speaks.

"Hello Adam and Lilith." There's a being that looks similar to the blonde hair one.

"What? Who's that?" The blonde asks. "Adam and Lilith? Is that us?"

The winged one nods.

"Yes indeed Lilith. You are the first humans to be created. Adam is the first of mankind and you, Lilith are the first woman. You two are to marry and continue mankind." She motions to herself. "I am Sera, Heavens high seraphim. You are allowed to eat any fruits you desire, Adam is to name the animals. You may go anywhere you please. The only rule is," Sera points to the fruit tree behind us."You may never eat the fruit from The Tree of Knowledge. It holds the knowledge of Good and Evil. Goodbye Adam and Lilith." She spreads her six wings and flies away into the clouds.

I turn to Lilith, my wife. "Do you want to explore?" Her eyes light up and my face heats up for some reason and there's a slight pounding in my chest.

"Yes! Let's explore Adam!" She stands up and takes my hand.

We run for hours, tasting fruit and playing with the animals. She looks so happy, which makes me happy.

That's how our days went for a while. I named quite a few animals, such as the horse, not to be confused with a donkey. A bird, though I make different types of them. Me and Lilith were happy.


406 words!

This was the first chapter should I continue? Thank you if you have read this far!!!!

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