Chapter 11

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"That's awesome"
Bryce mumbled happily.

"Glad you like it....but I can make it better"
He smiled.

"Better? In what way?"
He asked curious.

"Sit on that rock"
He answered and Bryce did so.

Asher took off Bryce's shoes like he was Cinderella.
"Now you can feel the sand on your feet"
He said warmly and then took off his own shoes.

Bryce was blushing again and felt the excitement in him raising.
They were walking on the sand towards the water. When the water hit Bryce's feet he froze.
He shouted stepping back, while Asher was laughing at him.

"Come onnn, don't be like that... Take my hand"
He giggled offering his hand.

Bryce took it and let Asher drag him in the water again.
"It feels nice once you get used to it..."
He mumbled.

Bryce nodded and looked around, he was still holding his hand.
"I haven't come in the beach since I was 7 years old or something"
He said in a nostalgic tone.

Asher asked surprised.
"Then let's make this moment one of your best so that you can always remember it"
He smiled.

He then, out of nowhere, threw water at Bryce.
"HEY- What are you doin"
He laughed.

"Having fun"
Asher answered and continued.

They started playing with the water and splashing it into each other's bodies making their clothes wet.

Asher patted as he was running to catch him. They left their coats on the rock and continued having fun.

Asher was showing him rocks he was founding and with a little stick, Bryce was writing on the sand.

"What are you writing?"
Asher asked.

"Our names"
He replied with a bright happy smile.

Asher hugged him from behind, his wet body touched his and Bryce got flattered.
"We can decorate it with the rocks I found"

"That's great idea"
He replied and they both started acting like children. However what matters is that they were having the time of their life.

Bryce sat down at the sand patting.
"The clothes are fucked up.... "
He said once he realized.

"Don't care about the clothes"
He answered and sat beside him.
"Did you have fun?"

He shouted happy.
Asher giggled and looked at the sea.

Bryce's eyes fell on him.
"How can you just sit there and look all sexy.... Your wet hair that falls in your bright eyes... The wet clothes that make your well-trained body visible... "
He thought.
"What am I thinking?"
He blushed himself and looked away.

But then, Asher looked at him and took his hand.
"You make me feel alive"
He said honestly and slightly blushed.

Bryce blushed more.
"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean.... Before I met you I was just a boring CEO and had a basic routine.... But now... All that changed because of you...."
He looked him deep into his eyes and continued.
"You make me laugh, and happy.... Something I haven't experienced for so long..."

Bryce gulped.
"I.... I did all that?"
He asked and his eyes wided.

"Yes...You are probably the best thing that has happened to me"
Asher replied caressing his hand.

Bryce was stunned once again by his sayings. He blinked as his lips parted.
"You don't know how thankful I am that you appeared in my life too...."
He smiled warmly with watery eyes.
"I feel safe around you and... Like home you know?"
He tried to explain.

Asher brushed his hair out of his eyes and went closer to him. He kissed his cheek softly and made him blush.
They hugged and watched the sunset till it was late. Bryce had fallen asleep in his embrace.

He carried him in bridal style to his car, and started driving. Once they were back home he left him laying on the bed.

Before leaving the room, he felt his hand being held and turned his head to look at him.

"Sleep with me"
Bryce mumbled.

Asher smiled, he took off his shoes and belt and went under the covers with him. Bryce started cuddling and he played along.

The next morning, Bryce yawned as he opened his eyes. He sat up on the bed as he rubbed his eyes trying to understand where he was.

A beautiful smell reached his nose. The door opened and Asher walked in with a tray full of food.

"Good morning"
Asher said softly once he saw that he woke up.

"Good morning.... What's all this...?"
Bryce asked surprised and kinda confused.

He answered as he placed the tray in front of him with a smile.

Bryce paused and then looked at him.
"For me?"

Asher laughed slightly.
"Of course dumbass"
He then caressed his hair gently.

That reminded him the first time Asher had brought him breakfast, the day after he got injured.

Bryce blushed and felt a strong emotion which couldn't understand what it was. He hugged Asher out of nowhere.

Asher blinked and giggled.
"Are you alright?"
He asked once he hugged him back.

"It's just ..... No one .... And I mean, no one.... Has ever treated me like you do ....."
He explained calmly while looking him in the eyes.

"You should get used to it .... Cause I ain't gonna stop"
Asher replied sweetly before kissing his cheek.

They were looking at each other in silence. Bryce got closer, inches away from him, and before he could say anything, Asher closed the gap between them with a kiss.

After a few seconds Bryce pulled away to catch his breath. He was red as a tomato but smiling like stupid.
"That was nice...."

"Yeah.... We should do it more often..."
Asher slightly giggled.
"Now eat your breakfast"

Bryce started eating and he watched him in peace.

I haven't uploaded in a while cause I didn't have any ideas I'm sorry, I didn't look for any mistakes this time, I have become lazy I know lmao

Shout-out to Maria Mpoukles:
Mama patisa ena megalo prasino peponi.

Note 2:
I edited the chapter cause I didn't like how it ended.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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