Chapter 11: Something happened unexpectedly

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They successfully celebrated their graduation ball. Now, they were preparing for the graduation ceremony itself, another celebration that they organized. They had a small gathering at the house of a well-off friend and classmate. They had drinks, and one of Qwyncy's fans, who knew what she was going through, secretly took shots for her.

Initially, Qwyncy felt sorry for her fan and let it go, but when she noticed that the fan had become noticeably affected by the alcohol, she intervened. He listened to her, and before long, the fan ran outside and vomited on the side. Concerned, Qwyncy followed him and slowly rubbed his back to comfort him from the sickness. When Rhubar, the name she gave to her fan, seemed to have calmed down, Rhubar pulled her to a corner, leaned her against the wall, and embraced her as he sobbed. Qwyncy was puzzled by his behavior but let her express his emotions until he finished crying. She simply patted his back while he holding her tightly.

"Rhubar, what happened? Do you have a problem? Why are you crying?" Qwyncy asked.

Rhubar lifted his face, and even though it was somewhat dark with only the moonlight as the sole source of illumination, they could still see each other's faces. Rhubar gently touched both of her cheeks and said softly,
"You are my problem! Why did you let that happen to you? I respected you and took care of you even when we weren't together because I held you in high regard. I admired and loved you so much. I'm hurt by what's happening to you, do you realize that?"

Qwyncy was stunned by Rhubar's words. She never expected him to be so deeply affected by what was happening to her.

"Rhubar... I didn't know that I was hurting you this much. I'm so sorry..."

"Qwyncy, can it be me instead? Can it be me that you love? I'll accept everything, Qwyncy. I'll claim to be the father of your child. Please, Qwyncy, choose me. I'm begging you."

Qwyncy locked eyes with Rhubar. "Rhubar, you are a good person, with a kind heart even though many perceive you as someone arrogant. But in the eyes of those who truly know you, we see you as a wonderful friend, someone we can rely on. It's not difficult to love you, but I can't force my heart to love you as the father of my child. I love him, no matter who he is..."

"But , Qwyncy, he can't stand by you and he only causes you pain..."

"Rhubar... I don't want to involve you further in my problems... let me handle it until I reach my limits... I hope you understand."

Rhubar embraced her tightly once again before releasing her and gently kissing her on the forehead, cheek and hand gently. "I will always be here for you, Qwyncy. Call on me whenever you need me. Please take care of yourself."

"Yes I will Rhubar, I hope you too."


Qwyncy was taken aback by Heusoff's sudden appearance in front of her as she was heading home from school. The look he gave her was filled with anger, and the words he spat out cut deep. "You wasted no time finding a replacement for me! Your true colors are finally showing!"

Qwyncy was dumbfounded by Heusoff's accusations. "What are you talking about, Heusoff?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Don't play innocent with me! I saw you with that other guy! Maybe he's the father of your unborn child and you want to pin it on me?" he angrily retorted.

The words Heusoff hurled at her were like daggers to Qwyncy's heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she responded. "What are you even saying, Heusoff? Don't try to pass off your own actions onto me! You know the truth deep down. And I won't force you to take responsibility for what I'm carrying anymore! From now on, forget that we ever knew each other! Thanks for everything."

Qwyncy turned her back on Heusoff, trying to hide her pain and disappointment as she walked away, determined to cut him out of her life.


On Qwyncy's graduation day, her parents were nowhere to be found. Only her aunt attended the ceremony and proudly pinned the medal on her. Tears streamed down her face, triggered by all the pain she had endured. Painful memories played in her mind like a rewind button, and all she could utter was, "at least I graduated with honors."

"Right, Qwyncy, be strong. You can only rely on yourself and Him," she whispered, pointing upwards. Qwyncy nodded and smiled, her tears continuing to flow as she found solace in acknowledging her own strength and the support from above.


During the graduation celebrations, everyone was exchanging greetings, hugging, and rejoicing. One of her classmates invited her to a small gathering to commemorate the end of their journey together. However, Qwyncy declined, saying, "That's a celebration for your family. Should I intrude? I'm fine, so go ahead and celebrate with your own family."

"Okay, as you wish. Until we meet again, Qwyncy! Bye!" the classmate smiled in response.

As Qwyncy walked out of the school gate, a friend and classmate suddenly appeared in front of her and slapped her. She instinctively touched her cheek, feeling the pain ripple through her. Her eyes widened in surprise, questioning what had just happened.

"Qwyncy, you're such a flirt and a thief!" Ysabel declared.

"What are you talking about?" Qwyncy asked, her voice tinged with confusion as she rubbed her sore cheek.

"Don't act innocent! You stole my boyfriend from me!" Ysabel screamed, attracting the attention of many people around them.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you're mistaken?" Qwyncy asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Just then, Drew, Ysabel's boyfriend, appeared out of nowhere and tried to calm down the escalating scene.

"Stop it, Qwyncy, Ysabel! Go home!" Drew demanded.

"She's the reason, isn't she? Isn't she?! Tell me!" Ysabel shouted.

Qwyncy interjected, "Excuse me, can you two fight and break up without involving me? I have no idea about what's going on between the two of you!" With that, Qwyncy turned her back and walked away.

"Go home, Ysabel, accept the truth and move on!" Drew said to Ysabel, trying to guide her away from the crowd.

"Wait, Qwyncy!" Drew called after her.

"Don't follow me! Leave me alone, please! I already have so many problems, don't add to them! It's graduation day, supposed to be a celebration, but look at what you've done. It's so memorable! Ugh!" Qwyncy cried out, tears streaming down her face as she faced Drew.

Let's continue to the next chapter...

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