Chapter 17

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Panchi sat at her desk in the management department of Shergill Company, her long hair casually tied up with a pencil as she focused on her computer. Her hair hung down, untouched, a sign of her preoccupation. Suddenly, a pair of palms covered her eyes, the strong scent of sanitizer triggering an itch in her nose, causing her to sneeze.

"Oh my god, Panchi, you're ruining the surprise," Kanika exclaimed with an exaggerated expression.

Panchi rubbed her nose and looked at Kanika helplessly. "Kanika, I'm very busy."
Kanika Thapar, who was Lil bit of Chubby, girl, Small stature, small nose, Skin color is slightly pale. Also have pencil straight amazing natural thick hair. but she had blue eyes, like a westerner.

Kanika is the Team leader and senior at the Company, while Panchi intern, and the manager, is her brother.

she has a straight forward, bold , fearless personality,  but also one of great business sense.

A year ago Kanika was in the interview panel and they had interviewed her. At first glance, Kanika thought that the Panchi only had a pretty face. She could not bear the pressure and would run away within a few days. That's why she didn't want him to recruit her into her department. But when her brother tells her of Panchi's special relationship, she reluctantly recruits her. Eventually she became impressed by her. Panchi was a smart, talented, quick learner and hardworking girl. Because of these qualities of the Panchi, she was impressed by her.
But after finding out that she was conservative, timid and shy. She chose to make friends with her, which could be another good choice.

"Very busy! Every time I see you, you're very busy. Panchi, is it really good for you to work like this?" Kanika questioned as she sat on her desk, leaning closer to Panchi.
Panchi widened her eyes and hastily said, "Kanika, what are you doing?"

Seeing Panchi's flushed face, Kanika burst into laughter. "Relax, I'm not trying to hit on you. If I show even the slightest 'that kind of' interest in you, I'll lose my job."
Panchi looked at Kanika as if she hadn't understood anything. "What are you looking at like this? Don't you know that all the boys who tried to flirt with you had to lose their jobs?" Kanika remarked.

Panchi's confusion was evident. "What does all this have to do with me? And why would anyone lose their job??

Panchi, did you fall on your head in childhood?? Apart from Neev, who else holds power in this company can fire anyone from a job like this?

Upon hearing this, sadness crept onto Panchi's face. She recalled Neev's earlier indifferent and careless attitude towards situations like this. "He never bothered whether someone flirted with me or scolded me; he always ignored it. "So stop being delulu," Panchi added, Kanika sighs recognizing Panchi's disappointment.

" Now don't disturb me if you want the new strategy to come out early," Panchi asserted, again focusing intently on her work. Kanika sensed that something had definitely happened at home today, likely related to Neev or Niharika. Despite this, she wanted to uplift Panchi's mood.

Kanika clutched her chest, feigning hurt. "Panchi, you're breaking my heart. You only see me as your senior, not your friend."

Panchi's lips curved into a smile. "You won't leave me, will you?"

"I'm not leaving you, but I'm asking you to come and have lunch. It's almost lunchtime. Now, get your ass up, and let's go," Kanika insisted, dragging Panchi to the canteen area.

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